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RE: Proposal to Sunset Vouchers into DEC-B (FINAL EDIT DONE - PLEASE READ)

in #spsproposal8 months ago

When I first heard about this a few weeks ago on TPG I thought this might be a good idea. But after serious consideration and hearing arguments from both sides, I agree with Dave above and think the damage this will do regarding trust will be irreparable, causing more harm to the ecosystem and token values than benefit.
Vouchers have failed because the team has NOT put the time into making vouchers what they are supposed to be. They are NOT supposed to be a 'coupon' but give special access to exclusive things in the ecosystem. We can remove ALL 'competition' vouchers have been given to DEC, keep vouchers, and give them their own unique utility. This would be EASY if the team just DOES IT. Like the unfulfilled promise of RUNI, they need only to take it into consideration instead of blowing it off in ordder to easily fulfill their promise.

Exclusive promo cards, land benefits, guild benefits... seriously, just TRY instead of accepting failure without TRYING. It's not as hard as this proposal making it out to be.

And the kick in the nuts to node license holders... more trust down the tubes. I have also heard this will be the last straw for some players, and if this passes, it WILL push even more people out of the game.

The team has told us more times than I can count over the years that 'this will be the magic bullet to bring DEC to peg' and EVERY time that has proven false.

The ONLY thing that will bring DEC to peg is an EXPANDING players base driving DEMAND for DEC. Everything else is a short term band-aid attempt and incorrect way to fix the problem.

I also feel that printing THIS MUCH DECB will work against the current DEC situation, pushing DEC even further from peg, not bringing it closer.


I agree with this. I'm pretty sure vouchers weren't stopping people from joining during the last bull run. We need players , better NPE and marketing.

If this passes It breaks a lot of trust and I'm not ok with that. Remove vouchers from pack discounts and energy, that's fine. Give us something else to spend them on, maybe skins? Either way it's a promise that if taken away leaves a permanent distaste to many and especially those that factored in a purchases of node licenses based on receiving vouchers because the team said "You will never have enough".

Not to nitpick BUT

Vouchers didn't exist during the last bull run. Vouchers were only introduced as part of the package that killed the last bull run.

I was paying upwards of $6 for vouchers to buy CL packs, I was fairly new and it didn't stop me from playing. I'd definitely call that part of the Splinterlands bull run.

I mean, maybe?
Do you call the thing that ENDED the bull run 'part' of the bull run?

I don't like the idea of vouchers either. It would be a terrible idea to add them now if we didn't have them but we do and so many promises were made using them. So I think there are better ways to address this.

Vouchers did not end the bull run. The general market conditions in addition to a massive overprinting of CL packs combined with misuse of funds from that sale is what ended the Splinterlands bull run.

I do think we remove vouchers from pack discounts, energy or anything else that competes with dec but i think we need a new utility for them.