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RE: Resolving SPS Inflation

in #spsproposal8 months ago

Burning these tokens is simply a short-term bandaid and does little to sure up the sound financial future of the SPSDAO and the game itself. Before we jump to any conclusion burning tokens, there needs to be a solid plan in place to extend both play rewards and node license rewards past the 2 years remaining in the SPS print schedule.

I fully agree that the current supply of SPS is far too much for the appetite of the current player base, but that won't always be the case if/when new players arrive to the Splinterverse. But burning is near-sighted!

We especially need to be prepared to reward node license holders for securing the decentralized future of this game when the company finally takes a step back from being the main host. Of course, we also need a plan to make sure there is SPS to reward both ranked play and tournament play after these two years are up.

One strategy could be to reduce the emission rate for SPS rewards, so it would help with the supply issue by releasing less SPS now while also providing for more years of certain reward structure. Another strategy could be to reduce the total supply while also planning for an SPS buyback to ensure SPS rewards are available after the print is closed.

Unless this proposal is refined to include a plan for SPS rewards after the emission schedule ends, I will not vote for it to pass.


YAS! Stop paying license holders- just pay people who run nodes, based on the amount of traffic their node gets. This would prepare license holders to begin securing the decentralized future of the game.