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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - DAO Sponsored Jackpot Prizes

in #spsproposal4 months ago

No worries. And to answer the last question, they are assets. Assets can be used to support the game/community when its needed. So I don't want to burn them, nor do I want to give them away. I want to add them to our arsenal of assets that can be used to solidify and strengthen our ability to help a) stabilize the game - like we just did with giving the team funds and b) to grow the game.

Just like the team uses Alpha/Beta packs to incentivize behavior many years after they were printed, I too think we can use these packs for the same purpose. But giving them out now when they are very low in price doesn't give out much value, so I don't think its going much if anything at this time. Five years from now it would be a different story.


Ahh nice, yeah, I see where you're coming from there on the long-term perspective! I could very much be behind that ideal as well. Personally I guess where I differ primarily is utilizing them during Bull Run cycles including the current one to help with promotion for new players, etc. So in my mind we use a fraction this cycle, then save the rest for future bull cycles/long-term as well. which won't be for another 4-5 years anyways getting to where your mind is at. Apologies for the delayed response, was taking a break for holiday, hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving ^.^ Apologies for any wording btw that may have felt like I was coming at you specifically, I'm kinda an oddball that thinks from the perspective of the whole and the energy I've seen since being here, so my response was addressing/including a lot of that.

You did fine SR! I appreciate you engaging me and looking at my point of view too. Also I would be ok with giving out more if more people had your attitude and we did it very purposeful with a stated objective AND a willingness to understand the DAO does need to keep assets for the future.

I hope you had a nice holiday as well and thank you again for the engagement!!!

I would 100% keep this assets on us for the future and specifically only for new players. It doesn't matter that the pack is out of Modern. Think of them like a Weatherlight MTG pack. Esentially low value, not useful for Modern or Standard, and still today it costs... * checks the interwebz* $35 USD when its retail value was $2.99 ...

As a side comment I would love to see a Proposal, *any * proposal, that doesn't involve to spend, sell, burn or gift DAO Assets on diverse adventures/projects. Would be nice. One. Or two, even.

yes I'm completely with you @renovatio ... Its refreshing to see that someone else shares my feeling about our assets :)