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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Establish a Newly Formed SPS Foundation and Elect Dave McCoy as Chair of the SPS DAO

in #spsproposal4 months ago

I wish you could see that your point of view has tainted your objectivity, but I realize that you are going to perceive everything with a negative spin.

The facts are not anywhere near what you think they are, nor is the position anything more than a placeholder position til the DAO gets the new SPS Foundation formed. The DAO needs someone to be elected to actually sign a contract with an attorney and to be the officer of record for the initial documents.

I was approached by @clayboyn to be that initial person simply because I had the most votes in the SPS treasurer elections. And once the new SPS Foundation is formed then the job will end and we will elect all positions necessary to move forward and GOVERN with an entirely NEW SET OF VOTES.

Your vendetta against the system has led you to see negativity in every place you can dream it up @fivemishras. To me this is really sad that people think this way and are unable to see the facts even when they are right in front of their face. I don't blame you because I don't think you are doing it out of malice, but its sad nonetheless.

The bottom line is this is a very short term interim position with a very specific purpose. Its a formality that has to happen if we want to have a responsive organization going forward. I didn't seek the job, nor will I get paid anything for it. There were no decisions in advance of the outcome, and the discussion you seek is happening as we speak. The real issue is that you seem to think differently than 80+% of the votes cast.

I wish you would understand that all those people that cast green checks don't want anything negative either. They just disagree with your conclusions and they are pretty smart people too. So I wish you would go through the list and give them some credit for their votes as well, instead simply dismissing all the green checks as people that are either 1) colluding together or 2) simply stupid. They are neither and you insult them with this view.


For the record, this proposal and position doesn't in any way set out how the DAO is to be run. You are thinking we are way ahead of where we are.

Once an attorney is engaged, then they will draft up articles of incorporation. At that point, the DAO will vote to either agree or not, that decision is NOT up to the Chair of the SPS DAO.

Once the DAO has approved of those forming documents, then the corporation will be set up. Then the Chair of the SPS DAO will be replaced by a whole new set of people in multiple positions subject to a full discussion and vote of the community.

And also for the record, I don't take objections personally so no worries :)