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RE: Increase price of Spellbook compensate with Rebellion Packs

in #spsproposallast year

That's fair, its your proposal. While I will likely abstain when it becomes a full proposal, I will still vote yes in the pre-proposal stage so that you get as many eyeballs as possible for you to make your points.

I still think its a good idea to bring up so that we can discuss the issue. So again I'm happy you made the proposal and are trying to improve things Cryp71x! :)

ps. I think the bot farms already pretty much have their accounts already, so that's why I'm not as concerned as you with the inexpensive option. IE...I think there are other things more effective at managing that problem that was created in the past.


My proposal is against new botfarms. The old ones will dry up with the "other things" you mentioned whatever the "other things" are.

buying spellbooks in bulk on the secondary market for under $10 currently is very easy. I don't see why anyone starting a new botfarm would waste money buying new spellbooks from splinterlands while this is possible.

Do you have a link for the secondary market? I would like to take a look.

Maybe I can buy some spell-books before the price increases 😉

I don't get your point, do you want to actually deter real players from entering and giving the company 10$ for doing so?
Are you aware you can have bulk accounts from abandonned botfarms for as low as 30 cents an account?
They never buy directly spellbooks, there is actually so much second hand accounts for sale in bulk for peanuts, strictly no reason to do so.

The only thing you'll achieve with this is putting a huge barrier of entry to the people you want to see coming in, while botfarms will laugh all the way because you closed a door they never use in the first place.

Also, a new botfarm would never open at 10$ an account, it would take them years after years to roi on that.

I'm sorry i'm voting against, there are already few enough spellbooks sold to real player to not make the wall three time higher for them. You want them all inside the disco, not out at the door with a too expensive ticket.

If you pay 100k DEC to get that out, you're basically going to loose money, to loose even more money on your SPS stack as it will be detrimental to the game in general.

Hope you get my point.

TLDR : Bots never buy spellbooks.

Just as an example, on the Xbot page, which is already expensive stuff but still 10x lower than company spellbook :

here's a link

you can also go on telegram. You can also buy bulk accounts for $0.70 each and they have potions on them. i spoke to one reseller that had 2300 accounts for sale. reach out to @binance_whalealerts on telegram