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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Alternate Solution to Address Bot Farms & Wild/Modern Format Discrepancies

in #spsproposal10 months ago (edited)

How is this not going to make things even worse?

The problem is not that bots can earn in Wild without continued investment, it's that they can do it easily without a significant initial investment. All that a tax each season to play in Wild will do is lower the overall rewards/returns.

There are a certain number of cards that can be used in Wild and against that there is a certain reward pool. Lowering the reward pool means that the values of all those cards combined will go down.

Right now the economic gameplay loop in Splinterlands is roughly that you need to spend 5000$+ each year to keep up in modern and be somewhat competitive to see a slow decline of the card values over time which is bigger compared to the rewards that can be earned. This along with requirements of owning a lot of Staked SPS to get the reward multiplier to finally see the card values drop off a cliff the moment they get dumped into Wild where all the utility is stripped away. On top of this, you will now need to double the SPS staked and pay a tax each season to keep playing ?

The reason most people aren't willing to buy packs is because they are a sure way to get absolutely wrecked. One of the reasons many players in the past were willing to buy packs/cards is because there was a sense that they eventually would become more scarce and valuable.

The concept should be that Modern is an affordable entry point for new players while Wild is a more expensive league where you need older and more expensive cards.

Wild should be a place where players get rewarded for holding the prices of older assets up in value which gives newer players confidence to buy into the new set and start playing in modern. This proposal doesn't do this in any way or form and even makes it worse I would say.

I still think (heavy) Collection Power Requirements in Wild is a better solution and there must be ways that it can be done without making it resource-intensive to calculate. Anyone human or bot that wants to continue earning just needs to be invested in cards (non-soulbound) while there must be mechanisms to get the oversupply down and there need to be more game modes that give continued utility.

Without card values somewhat holding up, Splinterlands will continue to be in a never-ending death spiral. The problem is that so many different assets were created out of thin air (Cards, DEC, SPS, Vouchers, Land, Totems, Titles, Runis, SPT...) and utility needs to be invented for each while there isn't any money inflow to keep any of them up.

Some Ideas

  • Introduce Increased Collection Power Requirements in Wild, with locked soulbound cards not counting, rentals only counting partially, and duplicate cards not counting. So only when human or bot players actually hold a big enough collection cards they are able to keep earning as they provide a lot of value to the ecosystem.
  • To unlock Soulbound cards, make one of the requirements to having to burn a similar-type card so the supply only comes from cards that were paid for and doesn't even inflate more.
  • Make a new fun game mode with an entry cost where everyone is on a level playing field giving packs as a reward making it an indirect way to sell packs. The Cards used there would be provided by owners with a small revenue share. This would be an excellent entry point to bring in new players.

The reason most people aren't willing to buy packs is because they are a sure way to get absolutely wrecked. One of the reasons many players in the past were willing to buy packs/cards is because there was a sense that they eventually would become more scarce and valuable.


Wild should be a place where players get rewarded for holding the prices of older assets up in value which gives newer players confidence to buy into the new set and start playing in modern. This proposal doesn't do this in any way or form and even makes it worse I would say.

Yup. They should implement the CP proposal that was passed by the player base.

Your ideas are what needs to be done, this proposal will just nuke the wild league completely and older cards.