Community Proposal #3
The purpose of this proposal is to ensure that new accounts have some starting amount of SPS to help their accounts earn rewards and become established members in the ecosystem. Since moving to a stake-weighted reward system, it is important for the DAO to do our part to assist with the new player experience where possible.
If this proposal passes, the SPS DAO will delegate 100 SPS to all new accounts for a period of 30 days. After the initial 30 day delegation, the SPS loan will be retracted. This gives new players a small boost to earnings for the first month of account ownership.
Author Notes
I would like to encourage the Splinterlands team to consider implementing this via a pop-up message upon signing in with keys for the first time. The message could explain that the SPS DAO would like to offer them this welcome gift to help them start their journey into our ecosystem and briefly explain the benefits of staking SPS. The offer could be accepted or denied by the user.
If making this optional and integrating the notification is not feasible to do in the near term, it would be acceptable to just automatically delegate and then remove the delegation without informing the new users for now, but it's highly encouraged that the team include some form of introduction to SPS in any new player tutorial in the future.
Can't imagine anyone voting against it. Glad this is a vote we can have to help new players get started - and it ENDS after 30 days.
I'm only in favor if:
The value is in dollar equivalent (x) and not in fixed SPS,
And this value received must also be less than the value of the
Book of spells, which gives the "right" to play and win
Bullshit. You are too nice boy. Work on yourself.
😕 Ok that was wrong. Sorry.
will up vote this
Hey @coldaz I think you misunderstand how this will work. The people that get this delegation will not OWN the token. They will just be able to USE the DAO's SPS for the first 30 days. After that they will need to rent it themselves or buy it.
But we definitely aren't giving anyone a way to exploit us by selling that SPS. Its never theirs to sell.
I don't mind if you vote how you want, I just wanted to clear that up for you.
thanks I realized latter i saw that i was wrong in my understanding of the matter. i even voted for the proposal
What will a player do loosing the 100 SPS after the 30 days? He will stop playing. Come on, we don't need 30 day players!
The problem of the game right now is, that it feels like work. For me as Champion Player, it is ok, but how does a bronze player feel who has to play 2h everyday to get break even and almost no rewards? No. We need fun gameplay. I MEAN FUN! Then new player will flock in no matter how much the game and packs cost.
FUN GAMEPLAY! It can be measured by number of new player who stay for more than 1 year active.
The DAO is a bit limited in its ability to actively impact game development, especially right now with the team 100% focused on Land and Rebellion. NPE is the focus coming up next, but that doesn't change the fact that we've now made SPS mandatory to earn anything and new players start with zero. This is a way to give them a chance to get started with some earning potential without having to buy a spellbook and then go and buy SPS and learn how to stake it to get any chests in bronze. Even with new player experience developments from the team, they'll need an SPS delegation.
So you are not neutral but have already an opinion. Hm, ok. Please provide a link where this whole community proposal process is described. I own more than 1'000'000 SPS. So you are also (but not only of course) my employee. Thank you!
What about setting the price for Spellbooks to 150$. New player get Rebellion packs worth 100$. That is good for the start.
Is this sarcastic? You really want a $150 barrier to entry for this game? Yugioh, Pokemon, Magic, etc etc have fully playable decks available for $20. Of course those decks don't win tournaments but its enough to get into the game. Same as here. The $10 ghost deck lets people play. They certainly won't win anything with them though.
No, it is my brutal honesty. Magic.... are all real world card games. No bots possible.
I understand where the thought is with this, however I have a bit of pushback. Namely, everyone always talks about owning your assets in this game. I understand that if you come into the game with nothing but a spellbook you wont be able to earn. But I also think the fact that it is less than $2 worth of SPS you are delegating, a new player should BUY this SPS instead; it is a very low barrier to entry. Instead of delegating SPS to new players, create a better user tutorial on how the SPS market works. Or also, dont new accounts currently get 3000 credits? Thats $3, right? Give new players less credits and a few SPS to start. I understand that this will essentially cost nothing, but its the point of everyone wanting people to own assets instead of renting them. The newest anti-bot proposal is trying to force people to own cards for CP to play in wild league. But we can't expect a new player to purchase 100 or so SPS on their own to start earning? In all actuality, if you delegate SPS to new players they would be able to earn without buying anything except the spellbook. Isn't that ripe for lots of new extractors to come in?
you have a great point the dao can also delagate the sps rather that giving people free cash
This game need a new player experience like the one Weirdbeard were working on 7 months ago that looked promising(Tutorials system with quest etc.) and from the last few eye candy we say, these tutorials and such seems to have been back on the potential to do list and would solve the player experience in a better way then free handling stuff.
We have a lack of coherence right now with all these proposals...on one hand we have people trying to get rid of bots and tell new players they should own their asset but on the other hand we give them freebee and then complain bots exploit such free stuff by creating multiple accounts...
I'm voting no, not because I don't want to help new player, but simply because I feel like right now, all of these proposal fix nothing at all. They are just useless Band-Aid to try and fix something that need more then just free handovers but that actually require the team to do what should have been done 2 years ago and create and put in place a proper tutorial system that do give free stuff but while explaining the game to new player and tailor it to make them better understand the game for them to stay in the long run.
100 SPS delegation won't raise our current player retention, it's a fallacy that us veteran player seems to think that this is what will make people leave our game when the reality of the problem reside in the lack of new player experience, guidance, game mode to keep people entertained etc. not the fact that anyone lack 100 SPS to get started with
I understand the good intention here but after 30 days these new players are gonna be pissed off so, although it is obviously going to pass, I consider this another brick in the road to hell.
That's a great idea, similar to how Steemmonsters account gives (or at least used to give) a small amount of HP as delegation to new users so they could manage to do transfers on the chain.
nice. id vote for it
I thought of this too but I couldn't think of a way to block exploiters from taking advantage of it. The only thing I can think of to keep this from being exploited (or keep it to a minimum) is to have a community manager assign these temporary delegations to be given out by the well known content creators.
I'm only in favor if: The value is in dollars, not in SPS, And this value received must also be less than the value of the Book of spells, which would give the "right" to win
I'm only in favor if:
The value is in dollar equivalent (x) and not in fixed SPS,
And this value received must also be less than the value of the
Book of spells, which gives the "right" to play and win
This would only be a good idea if they could come up with some way to curb the exploitation of people who want to start up a bunch of accounts. Until they do that, I'd vote no.
I think this is a very good move, the game need to be more beginner friendly so anything can help!
Also I don't think there will be an "exploit" problem, indeed to get the 100 SPS delegation a player need to pay 10 bucks for the spell book anyways. Someone willing to start a bot farm will get better value for money buying 2nd hand accounts.
And even if they do buy the spell books, it will be good money for SPL and translate into a better development and marketing budget.
Anything to help the new player experience! YES!
How do we prevent bot farms exploiting this? The adjacent proposal is trying to fight it, and then this turns right around and gives a big ol gift to every new bot farm account created.
It's a very tiny amount of SPS and it's only for 30 days. If they want to spend 10 bucks on a spellbook to try, good luck.
The WHOLE issue that keeps getting repeated with bot farms is that small amounts may not have a big effect on one account, but when it's 1000s of accounts that adds up.
The entire discussion yesterday in mavs on packs in chests (1/20k chance for a bronze acct) may not be a big deal for any single account but when it's 1000s of accounts, it's 20k packs per week being given away.
The exact same logic applies here. If you're against packs in chests, you should logically be against sps for free (any amount for any period of time). If 100 sps is enough to be meaningful to a new account, then it's enough for a bot to benefit from it. So either 1) this is useless to new accounts and so why bother or 2) it's useful for new accouns and bots will exploit it.
The difference is that it requires a $10 spellbook purchase to get this short term delegation. Bots can already get 8x more SPS for a month for less than 100 DEC. They aren't going to pay $10 to create new accounts for something they could get a better deal on for existing accounts for ten cents. This proposal is just aiming to make sure new players aren't forced into immediately figuring out SPS and forking over more money to start playing.

$PIZZA slices delivered:
(2/10) @aurikan tipped @clayboyn
How do you spend SPS that's been delegated? This is a half baked idea.
Would be in favor if
It was offered alongside spellbook purchase.
If account could only play modern whilst holding the 100 SPS.
All rewards are kept but remain locked until account has 100 of its own SPS staked.
Just small things to deter farms.
Better to implement KYC for anyone who wants to earn rewards, then new players don't need to essentially sign up for being a reckless gambler by buying loads of a shitcoin. Bear in mind I just mean any alt coin that loses 98% of its value in a bear market can be defined as a shitcoin. It's not personal! Only a small percentage of people with a ridiculously high risk tolerance will be willing to buy such a large amount of such a risky coin, when they will already need to spend loads on cards.
Love this!! I would go to say we should give new players one free pack as well to keep after doing a tutorial. Give them the thrill of opening a pack and then having a few cards to own. I also personally think we should get rid of the penalty on card levels. I think keep it for using ghost cards but frankly if someone can beat another player with lower level cards they shouldn't be penalized for being better at playing. I know it was brought in to help against botters but I think it hurts new players more than hurts the bot farms.
this is a yess for me
Can't we make a tutorial instead, where the player is guided how to rent 1 SPS for a week on his own with his initial credits.
After succeeding in this, the DAO could rent him 100 extra SPS for a week as a reward.
Additionally give the player a clear notification when his SPS rental ends. He now already knows the actions he needs to take.
The new player ideally is now empowered to do this stuff on his own.