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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Adjust Brawl Rewards

in #spsproposal10 months ago

The discussion has been open since November 11th and has 29 in support versus 2 opposed. This is something that has been brought up many times. I'll tag you in the thread on Discord to read through it. There are some other reworks that were being discussed, such as counting unfilled frays so that in penalizes guilds that don't fill all frays and rewards those that do. What's suggested here felt like the best option that wouldn't require major dev work.


Clicking an emoji and Engaging in a conversation are not the same. All I can see is less than 10 people engaged on that topic. Isn't it very few ?? Also, when it comes to changing the reward from the top 3 guild brawl winner, you must need feedback from those who regularly win on that position, not just from the guild who are struggling to win.


Mancer already said he is not going to do anything before January 2024, so we still have time to discuss, so why rush ??

I want to see at least top 5 guild brawl representatives engage on that topic and take a decision. by top 5 means, The Guild of neoxian, Summoner Tribes, Legendary Dragons, Immortal Gods & Shield of Glory/Sumurai guild.

The discussion has been open for almost a month. I can't force people to participate in the conversation. That said I'm not sure the SPS rewards multiplier was meant to be nerfed here or just crowns/merits boost. This preproposal may get updated once I get more feedback.

Ultimately I plan on having a soft consensus layer on chain that is stake weighted so we know when a proposal is ready to move forward. Discord is not ideal for governance discussions.

Here is my feedback:

  1. This proposal is untimely. There is no rush needed to change any of these.

  2. I felt after reading the discussion briefly that there was limited participation among guilds

  3. For all the other things that we need to change in the game, I feel this is low priority.

That said, you can bring any proposal you like. However, people are free to react as they please on them.

That's fair, I'm not super partial on this issue either way. The discussion met the threshold for bringing forth a proposal based on the placeholder guidelines. The conversation made it pretty apparent to me that we do need to address this issue at some point though. I never really put much thought into why we sit at the top of tier 3 instead of advancing. I remember someone saying it was better for us to stay there and earn more and I just kind of forgot about it tbh. That said... it clearly isn't working as intended if guilds are refusing to advance to tier 4 or tier 5 as they make more in tier 3 or 4 for less effort is it? This reminds me of the whole "why build a champion deck when I can build x number of bronze decks and get more rewards" argument and we can see how bot farms ran with that...

Sorry but you should read the context, the answer from @cryptomancer was a reply of this question:


So he told that this change what we want implement with this proposal can be done quick but the topic

"count all frays whether someone submits or not"

can be done only in 2024.

So we decided to put in this proposal only what can be done quick.
I hope I was able to provide more clarity in this respect.