Sorry, but this proposal is not effective and will hardly work because the pure cp rent is too cheap. For example, to meet the maximum Champion 1 requirement of 800,000 CP, one would currently need to rent for 80 DEC CP. This won’t deter anyone. The extractors who currently extract completely without ownership already have cards rented, and now they’ll just have to pay 2 DEC more for extra CP, which won’t stop them from continuing. Additionally, suddenly accounts with a completely normal deck and no harmful behavior will have to rent CP unnecessarily. This doesn’t make sense; the proposal misses the mark. Even after this suggestion, thousands of accounts without ownership will still be able to mine SPS fully automatically. So, it’s not an alternative proposal but rather another one that uses similar words and numbers but primarily aims at increasing rent, without effectively addressing the issue of pests. Only botfarms/extractors naturally benefits because they can continue multiplying accounts without financial or time limitations.
However, I must say that even though the proposal is an improvement over the current situation, it is not efficient!
And the cooldown rule does not prevent exploits. Besides delegating, there is also transferring, and if the timer is only set during delegation, there is still a timeframe where CP can be used without playing the cards, while the cooldown is already running. Therefore, I request that you adopt my cooldown rule. If the proposal is accepted, it should at least prevent obvious exploits.
"accounts with a completely normal deck and no harmful behavior will have to rent CP unnecessarily. This doesn’t make sense"I have to say- I agree with @bronko, completely.
Setting up another, completely arbitrary, hoop for accounts to jump through- in order to play or earn, doesn't make sense.
Especially in a format called "Wild"
That said- I fully support any proposal to institute Barriers to Entry for new players. The more complicated, involved, arbitrary, and esoteric the barrier is, the better.
U do know that Bronko also has a proposal up that requires u to have CP, but u can't rent it, u will have to buy cards to earn something, here u can still rent, unless his gets voted down we can get that.
"accounts with a completely normal deck and no harmful behavior will have to
rentown CP unnecessarily. This doesn’t make sense"Absolutely. I know all about @bronko's other proposal. It's, as you say, basically the same; there's just a change to one word in his statement:Everything I said applies, just as much, to the original proposal as it does to this one- restrictions in a format called "Wild", don't make sense.
OTOH: any pro-bot/anti-player proposals, such as these, will always receive my hearty approval and endorsement.
there are also other differences in my proposal.
There were a few other differences between the proposals too
and a few more little differences.
Overall your original proposal was simpler, easier to program, easier implement and made more sense while also being much more punishing toward new players.
You are right.
I had to double-check this one- there IS a requirement for Bronze! Which just seems dumb but who am I to say?
Thats even creazier would destroy the rental mkt
Yes like mine i own my cards and now i need to re distribute some of my main to my alts for no reason other than to get cp
My prediction if your proposal passes is that it´s just game over then. How could it not be? Renters will stop renting and not buy cards, they will just play brawls with their souldbounds and that´s it. Then owning more cards that you need for your own deck won´t make any sense. We depend on people having way more than they need for their own deck and them being able to rent out the cards for a decent price. You achieve that by making renting high/max level cards a good deal and if the rental market is pumping, then it starts to make sense to own cards again. And that you achieve by making it more beneficial to rent high/max cards compared to 1bcx.That is the way to deal with the massive amounts of CL cards that were printed.It´s not as simple as just rewarding owning cards,by making renting a bad option. What you will achieve is that owning cards will be very bad in the end.
first of all, you can keep your doomsday story to yourself. secondly, your view is pretty limited. if extrakoren/botfarms rent, where does the money come from? exactly from our pool so they take money from our pool and give us a part of it back via the rent. in the end it remains a redistribution with a net loss for the ecosystem. and the claim that people would no longer buy and rent is just so absurd. but hey, the extrakoren are happy about this proposal here. that's certainly a sign of the good effect........
that's just what we had back then, cp requirement with rent. how effective was it against bot farms and extractors 😂
When I look at your deck it tells me that you´re not going to invest in the ecosystem anymore,just want to extract only yourself from now on. You have a maxed cl deck, no extras to rent out,not renting,your rebellion collection is worth about 5 bucks,so you´re done spending aren´t you? I on the other hand am active on the markets every day. I buy, I sell, I own, I rent and I rent out.I also didn´t say anything about this proposal and that we should go back to cp requirement and that it was effective,but I´m all for it if that means your proposal won´t come to fruition.
I didn't even look at @bronko's collection and I came to about the same conclusion, simply based on "cui bono" Who benefits from this proposal? Whales. Nouveau riche whales, to be exact. I would guess his collection is
Nouveau riche? Mostly, if not all, CL cards.
Not many Glad/SB Reward cards? If he had them, he'd be playing in Modern.
As it is, he crafted a very pro-bot proposal that purports to minimize bots while very carefully targeting new players.
"If you don't own at least 400K CP in cards that you don't rent out/put on land/delegate to other accounts- you need to be punished."
In other words: "You kids need to get off my lawn!"
when i made this proposal back then i still had all gladiators at high level, when i made the proposal back then i was even modern champion. just look at my modern rank. so please don't be such amateurs or assholes and please look at my history properly, what i had sold and burned the last time for example. before you spread such shameful lies.
Don't hold back lads this has been a very entertaining read. Just ease off on the down votes it not in the spirit of things.
Yes it wont impact me much either but its fucking annoying i have 2 million plus cp and dont want to move CP jsut to move it to a alt account bot so i can get more rewardss i want them in my main account
It is no secret that I was on the verge of quitting the game. when the CP proposal was accepted at that time, I immediately made more purchases, including a Wild deck with Rebellion cards, and so on. However, when the proposal was not implemented, and the new ranking system went in the opposite direction by removing the level penalty, it felt like a death blow to the cards and consequently to the game. I was in the process of selling everything until a few days ago. Then, during the last town hall, Matt responded to someone else’s question, saying that he would implement the proposal if it were resubmitted with adjustments to the new system. Initially, I thought, “Whatever, I’m done with Splinterlands.” But when a few people asked me if I would submit it again, I decided to do so out of a sense of obligation to the remaining players. The more I delved back into the matter, the more hope I regained, and I stopped the sale. Personally, this is now the point that would keep me here because I believe it is essential to save the Wild mode so that the cards don’t die once they are removed from Modern!
and extracting is also very far-fetched, if you look at my account, since the new ranking introduction i don't play in modern anymore, instead i tested everything possible in wild, bronze level deck, only soulbound, my deck, my deck +rent. because i wanted to be absolutely sure that my analysis is correct. so the truth is that since the new ranking i pay more for testing than i earn. that's the opposite of extracting!
so next time please look better ;)
Your point of removing the level penalty being bad is absolutely correct,that´s why the current system doesn´t work.If they bring that back, bots will rent gold league/max cards again and we wouldn´t have so many gold league/max copies for sale now, because people could still rent them out for a reasonable price.That should have been the proposal.
How about, instead of penalizing players for not having the 'proper' level of card- we institute a multiplier based on the level/rarity of the cards fielded?
The level 'penalty' was bad, for many, many reasons- first and foremost: it wasn't based off of 'fielded'. It was based on 'highest level of owned/rented'. So, people would own/rent cards to avoid the penalty while fielding Starter Summoners and L1 teams.
Ie. accounts would rent L5 Chaos Agents then field them as L1 because that same account didn't rent/own ANY summoners.
OTOH if there was a policy where all (non-SB) 'Silver' leveled cards got you a 4x (25x) multiplier to your earnings.... well I think you would see a MASSIVE uptick in the quality of cards fielded.
how about the SPS req doesnt that make people spend enough money over large bot farms. This wont impact me much except being very annoying bc i have to re arrange my main deck to my alt accounts just to get the right CP so i can keep my level and earnings where they are.
no i had already made the proposal last year, because the problem already existed at that time, the abolition of the level penalty then brought it to light for everyone. the level penalty only limited it to one degree so that most people don't see it at first glance if they don't deal with it. but even then the problem was already there. or are you telling me 1bcx accounts in silver 1 with gold rating were no problem? the abolition of the level penalty only closed the last brake