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RE: Proposal to Sunset Vouchers into DEC-B (FINAL EDIT DONE - PLEASE READ)

in #spsproposal8 months ago

I’m all for it with one caveat.

I think figuring out something to replace the loss of Vouchers for license holders is the glaring weak spot of this proposal. Telling license holders to basically suck it up and take one for the team, is what’s holding me back from being all in on this.

I don’t know what that solution should be. It could be a special perk in game or on land. I dunno…I’ve seen a handful of suggestions thus far. But just ignoring that group completely leaves yet another bad taste in my mouth…

But I agree that Vouchers probably should be 86’d. I just think it’s (rightly) not going to get the support of major license holders as is.


I think the best thing to replace vouchers for license holders would be glint. It doesn't have monetary value so inflation wouldn't be a concern.

1-2% bonus to glint per node?

It could literally be anything. Access to a certain skin, maybe licenses can find totem or title fragments, or a bonus on land, glint...I'm just astonished that we are acting like there can't be a way to make license holders still feel rewarded to some degree.

This is a good concern that some License holders will definitely feel.

I don't own any Licenses.... but in my opinion what makes the most sense is that SPS validators earn SPS as their reward for operating the validator network.
If the current pool for validator holders isn't sufficient to incentivize the validator network, the DAO could increase the Validator pool from SPS holdings instead of offering some other gameplay token unrelated to validators?

For example, @nateaguila has repeatedly said "glint is a reward specifically for participating in the ranked battles mode" which makes sense to me... as such I don't really think it fits my understanding to earn glint or DEC for running a node, but more SPS seems to make sense, assuming the DAO agrees....