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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Adjust Market Fees

in #spsproposal4 months ago

Uh why wouldn't you just go with something more general instead of jumping the gun here. Something like instead of burning 2% it's instead given to the DAO or to the team. Or reduce the 4% given to other market places and instead make it 2% and take 2% for the company. Keeping the general base layer fee the same. I'm almost certain that these other market places take more than 4% and impose other fees do they not? I think it's up to the market place 3rd part to put their own fee on and really that 4% should just be wiped. Or like I said 4% to the company and the 3rd party marketplace slaps the percent they want on top of it for offering the tools and services they do. That feels like the way this market should be working.

Optimal for me would be the following
4% free revamped to...
that 4% Is then split in some way between the DAO and company 2%/2% or however we agree to split it.

Then it's up to the marketplace outside of Splinterlands to add on their own fee they feel is worth the extra tools they provide.

This keeps the current 6% intact and feels like the way it should have been setup in the first place.


Just to be clear, I didn't like this idea, which is why I suggested the alternative may be more viable. That said the feedback seems pretty clear and in line with my thoughts, which were that this would be rejected.

I am going to build a poll based on the feedback and see if people want me to make one to adjust the 6% split differently. will include DAO as an alternative to company on the poll as well.