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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Alternative to Solution to Minimize Bot Farms

in #spsproposal9 months ago

I didn't even look at @bronko's collection and I came to about the same conclusion, simply based on "cui bono" Who benefits from this proposal? Whales. Nouveau riche whales, to be exact. I would guess his collection is

  • at least 400K in CP (probably more- maybe 2-3x as much)
  • none of which is rented out
  • very few, if any, of his cards are 'for sale'
  • very little, if any, is 'on land'
  • none in 'Mage Wagons'
  • none delegated to alt accounts
  • some SB Reward cards but probably < 100K in CP
  • very little in Gladiator cards (if any)

Nouveau riche? Mostly, if not all, CL cards.
Not many Glad/SB Reward cards? If he had them, he'd be playing in Modern.
As it is, he crafted a very pro-bot proposal that purports to minimize bots while very carefully targeting new players.
"If you don't own at least 400K CP in cards that you don't rent out/put on land/delegate to other accounts- you need to be punished."

In other words: "You kids need to get off my lawn!"


when i made this proposal back then i still had all gladiators at high level, when i made the proposal back then i was even modern champion. just look at my modern rank. so please don't be such amateurs or assholes and please look at my history properly, what i had sold and burned the last time for example. before you spread such shameful lies.

Don't hold back lads this has been a very entertaining read. Just ease off on the down votes it not in the spirit of things.

Yes it wont impact me much either but its fucking annoying i have 2 million plus cp and dont want to move CP jsut to move it to a alt account bot so i can get more rewardss i want them in my main account