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RE: Splinterlands will try to implement anti-bot measures in Modern format.

This is a one-sided opinion! How much money did you invest in the game and how much did you take out of it? I, over the past year, have not withdrawn a penny from the game, while I invest about $2,000 a month in the game, and how much do you invest? I am interested in both the process of the game itself, as well as the automation of processes.


In my world there is no place for bots farming human players just for pure profit while damaging the game and its assets for all real players supporting the game. Also it doesnt matter how much money you invest or not, the topic and answer from people that love the game will be the same! -> Play the game or just dont but dont use bots... Thats like using aimbots in fps games. Battlefield 5 f.e. this game got unplayable because every round had 1 or more obvious cheaters ruining the fun for all on the server. For SL its the same...

SL is a different game, don't compare it to games that can't handle bots. How am I different with 10 bots from 10 people who have one account? I have a better understanding of the game and I am more invested in the game! And if you're afraid of bots - then you play badly! Have you played against bots Lamba? His bots were very cool, it was interesting to fight them. Now the bots are stupid!

You are talking like a bot farm owner. The difference is that you are destroying the new player expierence. You think this game can go on like it is in its current state forever? It's not a game atm. It's a defi yield farming platform. No new players will ever want to come and inject money into the ecosystem when all they play is bots that pick the best hands available every single time. The changes we have seen were to slow the rate of extraction and severely hurt real players and new players. You may not be extracting but alot sure as hell are and you can see it in the sell pressure of various tokens and decline of card values. The only way we will ever attract new players and money is to make the game FUN and rewarding. Bots are literally siphoning off like 75% of the reward pools, that's rewards that real people could get and WANT to reinvest into the game to keep playing something worthwhile and fun. Your argument is super short sighted. Number 1 focus should always be to get new players involved. You want your card value to go up? New players need to come in and want those cards. This holds true for sps and dec and land.

Im not afraid of bots at all. The rulesets at beta card time were way less then today. The cards were less too and i managed to be around 30th place champions league at the end of the season with a relatively small card deck. So i would say i have knowledge about how this game works! The difference between a human player and bots, depending on how good the bot is, is obvious: With so many rulesets and cards to chose from a good bot will outperform a good player anyday. There are situations were the good player does small mistakes which the bot does not. So when you do like 20 fight and 18 of them vs a bot there is little room for error. Even the best players have a bad day or do mistakes from time to time, the bot doesnt. This gets frustrating at times and MANY players were pissed about that and moved to a bot too.