This is the first daffodil that appeared in our border and it's still February! There are more waiting to appear to greet what we see as Spring.
This weekend begins a very cold arctic spell so we can expect very cold weather. However nothing to compare with Moscow which will be at minus 26 degrees centigrade!
Seeing this daffodil lightened my mood and reminded me that Spring is indeed, just around the corner. The famous romantic poet wrote of Daffodils appearing in April. We've moved on...or should I say forward?What does Spring mean to you?
Happy Steeming!
The yellow flowers are very pretty @jvalentine
#ibnuhajaral @ibnuhajaral
Thank you yes they are pretty. Do you have daffodils where you live? Tell us what flowers you see around you. People in this community like to hear about other peoples lives and what they do and see. Thank you for your response.
I live in aceh indonesia. Daffodils do not exist in our place, our typical flower area flower seulanga.
Excellent your flower photography really awesome.i impress see this..
Thank you and I am pleased my flower picture impressed you. However, it's mostly the camera on my phone that should take the credit, all I did was to stick it near enough! Do you have daffodils where you are?