Being in China this time of year is extra special. Unlimited happiness topped with spectacles amazement.
(My brief moment)
(Great scenary)
The local tourism board invited a bunch of us expats to partake in some of the seasonal festivities. I even got a brief interview to be on TV, too bad I don’t watch. I have a TV, I turned it on once just to make sure it worked so I could my deposit back. It doesn’t! lol. However, I did get the cute reporter’s WeChat so maybe I can a video clip later.
(First rehearsal)
(The host and I, he was great and very understanding of foreigners inability to speak Chinese, though I rocked my lines like a pro, he saved those who stumbled.)
(The co-host who played her role well. A little trooper going places.)
It was a great show, lots of displays celebrating the New Year, the last year of the 12 years lunar cycle which hosts the pig. I’m a Monkey, I mean I’m the Monkey but I do fit the characteristics well. I had been giving a few Chinese lines to say on stage to the audience of a few hundred people. The setting was truly impressive and fitting for the evening’s activities. Everything was rehearsed a couple times moments before the show started, so no worries right?
(Front row and centre, we had some of the best seats, too good to be missed.)
(Everyone had a good feeling, smiles and laughs shared by all. Could you ask for more?)
(Backstage shameless selfie with some of the dancers.)
(The crowd grew and everything was perfectly orchestrated.)
It was hosted by a small town about 40 minutes drive out of LiShui. In English it’s referred to as ”Painting Town” because it basically a town centered around art and painting. I’d love to see it in the day time. It only takes about 5 minutes to walk from end to the other based on what I experienced. The group of about 20 foreigners came together on a bus rented for us.
(It was simply a good time for all, especially us expats who got to feel new again.)
(This was our group, not of us were foreign but we came together on the bus. Fun Times!)
It was a fun night, a truly memorable experience that will be kept close my thoughts and heart for the rest of my days. I only wish more people could enjoy such an experience and feel the warmth Spring Festival can bring to everyone. It’s a festival to welcome a new year, another cycle of the seasons is welcomed across the globe by many nationalities.
(The entire team that made the night so memorable. China has so much going on, everyone who lives here sees it.)
Hmm, what’s the next big event to enjoy and participate in?
Well, that’s my Spring Festival event. Can’t wait till the next one. This one was one of the best I’ve had, I even bought a pile of fireworks to paly with. The good fireworks, not sparklers or bang bangs, I mean real impressive show makers. LiShui is allowd to light them off so I need to get out of this city and find a place that allows it. In the next few days it will happen. I already know where, just need to get there.
I don't see any pigs. I expected to see lots of pigs.
Well, the pig is an interesting sign: feast or famine, which will it be?
And... pssst. Get out of China, they are fattening you up... :-p
You're right I should have posted a pig photo. It's that the only pig photo I took this year is rather graphic. But I'm sure you can handle it. I stumbled upon a Pig Head vendor in a food market, yes, he only sells the head. How does one come about getting into this profession I wonder.

Now! This is the China i know.
Wow! you guys are now famous! that's really cool fantastic night. I know you did your speech really well and you've touched many hearts all over China. I mean even without rehearsal, I know you speak from your heart and your inspiring words could travel in far distance. You're such a lucky monkey in every way =) I can sense a grand fireworks display coming, I'd be looking forward to your video with the fireworks. =)
Looks fun. Yes, be great to get a hold of the video for sure. Do you know which station they are from? Maybe they have it online too.
Oh, good point. I can ask around and find out I'm sure. LiShui's TV channel must be small and very local news. Let me see what I can do over the holiday. I hope you're having a good spring festival in Singapore. I bet their doing some big celebrations.
Yes, there are things happening all different parts of town also partly because of a Bicentennial reminder of what we were once - colonist.