
I was doing my best to guide you from the penalty box but threatening users with retaliatory downvotes is the exact kind of behavior we'd like to keep off of this platform. I will be happy to take your downvote in Steem but unfortunately you'll be sitting in the SPORTS penalty box and won't have that option for a few days at the least.

ok bro i quit this boosting service ok plz remove your downvote i remove this post and respect your sorry for bad behavior plz remove downvote

ok bro i quit this boosting service ok plz remove your downvote i remove this post and respect your sorry for bad behavior plz remove downvote

ok i quite boosting service ok plz remove downvote i remove this post and topic and i m sorry to patrickulrich for my behavior i m really sorry

ok i quite boosting service ok plz remove downvote i remove this post and topic and i m sorry to patrickulrich for my behavior i m really sorry