why the heck' is this post being promoted or asked about then on the discord chat? WTFFFFFF
In collaboration with the amazing SportsTalkSocial platform, we hereby introduce to you SportsPredictSocial.
SportsPredictSocial is an initiative brought to you by @gotgame with special appreciation going to @patrickulrich of SportsTalkSocial for his extensive support in making this project come to fruition.
thank YOU for bringing this to our attention, I have zero interest in it anyways and am very confused as to why this was promoted by some running for ref position/ leadership, ummmmm
uv Leeds on this on both my reg acct and sports one, Thanks for the heads up regardless of what is spun from it it sounds shady as Leeds said, imho
have a good one, don't put in keys....... nice to see the 'deli' was used for a circle jerk then profits sold , whatever, have a great Sunday folks