While it is true that this list of sports you name involves violence, it is also true that every type of game, for being competition as such and depending on the adrenaline generated, individuals may have a negative reaction with their opponents. even in a simple game of tables, which are generally passive, thinking, and where the mind is busy for the next move.

It has been seen cases in which in a simple game of cards or dominoes, crossed words to name a few of them, loser or losers have had negative reactions and have caused not only verbal damage but even physical abuse where they have caused even the loss of life.

There are no games without competitions. The best thing about this type of activity is always to have a judge who enforces the rules.

And as for the rude games where the roughness is implicit, I admire the athletes who are able to endure so much pain.

Very true, Humans react aggressively in many different situations when they get upset and emotions run high.
You're right. There is violence everywhere. When human emotions take over we often react aggressively.