I meant, IOC
Oh, ok. Nothing about them nor about NWO in my piece unfortunately, unless You consider Cultural Marxism a means of achieving it. I hope it's quite interesting nonetheless, although I can't be sure until there are some comments underneath. I'd apprecieate if You leave any, positive or negative. Thanks in advance.
$290 a month
Oh, snap. That's a lot. I guess I'd be PTSD-ish myself to.
Can you imagine what a 3/2 house would cost?
As long as You wouldn't have more freezers, do laundry or cooking more often and wouldn't leave TV and lights on in the rooms where there is noone, I think that wouldn't be much higher, right?
Who knows! Nice part of the country to live in. Very close to several cold springs. But that kilowatt per hour price is the highest in the country. Wonder if it has anything to do with OUC being a private, for profit, corporation. Hmmmm
I don't know. Either I'm missing something, or the situation has changed since You moved.
compared with other states, although I gotta say the note on that UOC's webpage about possible discrepancy between the rates published here and OUC's Tariff may explain Your experience.http://www.ouc.com/residential/service-rates-and-costs/electric-rates - Base Charge + Fuel Charge is below 13c per kWh and that seems in line with prices of energy in Frorida
I gotta say, local monopolies aren't the best environment for private companies. I don't know the details on how US railways are operating, but the model chosen in Britain doesn't seem to work well.