Sports: a social salvation of the modern world

in #sports6 years ago

Currently, society, ourselves, we are living in a time where due to large factors or different conditions (work, crisis, transfer in the city) the human being is constantly suffering from pressure that generate stress and leads to psychological and physiological discomfort, in this way, imagine you as a person who's clinging to a work hour in an office, this person have to get up avery early in the morning to go through some busy means of transport, imagine being bothered with many inconveniences that some people get day after day, the loud sound of a crying baby, being next to a passenger who may not smell in a pleasant way, being belated by the sudden traffic, get to your job and do the same routine with a boss a little pedantic, then return somewhat tired to your home making a quite exhausting tour to return to your home. This type of routines are very common in the current population and that is why there are different escapes or what is usually called "escape valves" to run away from these pressures, these can be walking, partying, meeting with friends or practicing some sport (we will focus on this last one).

Sports have functioned as an escape valve from the pressures of the modern world, so why is this? why does sport act as an escape valve from modern pressures? Well, in a way is because when a person start to practice any sport, that person, who is accustomed to a somewhat monotonous daily routine would be experiencing something that would not be the same monotonous things that he used to do in his everyday, since the practice of a sport would follow a scheme of physical movements with some goal as an achievement. Physical exercise is another point to emphasize, since having a constant physical exercise strengthens the physiology of the person and increases cardiovascular endurance (this resistance is highly determined by the type of sport practiced). A social benefit that gives practicing sports collectively is the cohesion or the union of a social group, since belonging to the same team and fight for similar objectives (compete for a cup or achieve victory in competitions) strengthens a social union and can end up deleting disputes between the same group, because if they are from the same team they will go after the same objective, for that reason sport serves as a social group therapy and each sector of the society should implement it.

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