Steemit Fantasy Football League – Who's In?

in #sports8 years ago (edited)


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Fantasy Football

Ok I know there currently aren't a lot of Steemians here that are into sports and it's not a topic many cryptoanarchists are interested in, but I think we eventually need to broaden out to get into the mainstream. For those that don't know fantasy sports, it's a game where you get to select players in a professional sport (eg. NBA, NFL, MLB etc) to build an imaginary team. You then compete for money with others who build their own imaginary teams. The NFL is by far the most popular sport in America and fantasy football has played a major role in its increased popularity over the past decade. Monetary incentives enhance entertainment value and engagement just like it does for Steemit. It feels a bit like a casino here anyways right?

Huge Opportunity for Blockchain and Freedom in Fantasy Sports

Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS) could be a huge opportunity for blockchain technology like Peerplays and Steemit. DFS is on the edge of legality. DFS companies currently argue that Fantasy Sports is just a game of skill for prizes so it is exempt from federal restrictions. Much of the opportunity for blockchain tech starts in the gray areas where governments try to restrict people's freedom. People often mention Uber and AirBnB as companies that have disrupted government-regulated industries and I see something similar with FanDuel and Draft Kings for gambling and sports betting. FanDuel and Draft Kings are the two major companies in DFS and have booked over $3 Billion in revenue in 2015. These two companies have raised most of the $1+ Billion in DFS venture capital investments so they have enough money to pay off regulators. The NFL also has an incentive to protect DFS and keep American football as popular as it is. There is already an opportunity for smaller companies to compete in this space and as more states try to regulate the industry, blockchain technologies that are resilient to regulation like Peerplays and Steemit will flourish. This is a great use-case for blockchain money and gaming platforms.

Steemit Fantasy Football League

Anyways anybody interested in a friendly Steemit Fantasy Football league tourney?
NFL season starts next Thursday. So far we are lucky to have:


@daut44 is a professional DFS & poker player who won $1.5 million in a poker tournament. His interests include poker, fantasy sports, football, basketball, MMA, health and fitness, rock climbing, mathematics, astrophysics, cryptocurrency, and computer gaming.


@tuck-fheman is a long-time community member who should bring some levity to our league. He produces the Steemocracy comic series.

I'll also be playing.

This is just for fun, prizes and bragging rights. So sports fans, business people, gamblers and newbies just find me on or just email me at: if you want to join.


We'll start up a league if we get at least 8 teams and open up to 10 or 12 if there's enough interest.
Entry: $10 SBD voluntary donation
Platform: Yahoo
Draft: Wednesday, Sept. 7th @ 8:30ET US (UPDATED)

1st Place – $40-$60
2nd Place – $24-$36
3rd Place – $12-$18
4th Place – $4-$6
**Bonus: Whatever SBD amount we have for this post will also be added to the prizes.
Exact prizes will be determined before the draft.

Roster: 1QB, 2RB, 3WR, 1TE, 1FLEX, 1 DEF, 1K
QB: 25 yards = 1 point, touchdown pass = 4 points
10 yards rushing or receiving = 1 point, rushing or receiving td = 6 points
Receptions: .5 pts
7 Bench sports
Defense: Standard scoring
Please verify settings before draft to be sure!

Thanks @daut44 for helping with all the setting recommendations!


Thanks for your interest @dajohns1420, @ltm, @sombrero, @pipertomcat, @jpiper20, @thebrokenbox, @bendjmiller222, @vegascomic, @bola !

We'll fill up the 12 teams based on the following priority:

  1. Those that make donations.
  2. Those that email me first.

You can donate your 10SBD to @steemrollin.
You can email me at:
So just email me as soon as you can whether you can donate or not!

On Monday evening around 9pm ET, I'll send out invites based on the priority and in the order I receive emails. If people don't sign up through the invites I'll continue to invite more people from Tuesday 9pm ET until we have 12 teams signed up.

Hey guys there are still up to 5 spots available! Not everyone has sent me an email back. I sent out 4 invites besides @daut, @tuck-fheman, and myself so we have a total of 7. Remember it's first come first serve. Our total prize pool for the top four should be over $300!!! Calling on @dajohns1420, @sombrero, @pipertomcat, @jpiper20, @thebrokenbox, @vegascomic, @bola! Anyone else it's first come first serve.. just email me!

Ok so I just received 220.34 SBD for the post so we'll make the prize pool an even $300.
I received $23 in donations so far.

1st Place: $150
2nd Place: $90
3rd Place: $45
4th Place: $15

I've sent out 8 invites, 5 have signed up and expect 3 to sign up shortly. We have @bola on a waitlist until we get the next signup to get 10 teams. I'll keep it open for 12 teams. There are still spots open for a big prize pool!

10 SBD sent, email sent.

Ok so we have 8 signed up + 1 on waitlist.
One spot left ... $300 prize pool!!!
Just email me:

Here is a great draft list you can use from @daut44!

I Flockin' Great Idea, Right?

I'm in, how do we get started.

I can send you an invite by email. Feel free to send to: or message me on @steemrollin

I'm so down!

Let me know if you're still in!

Awesome idea! Would love to be in but not set up with cryto yet...

Sounds like a great idea! I recently found out about this site, if I can honestly make some money here, I can see this site as the potential cure for my gambling addiction.

Let me know if you're still intersted!

I want in, I love football. We'll do one for college as well! Count @jpiper20 in also!

Let me know if you're still in!

Yes! This is such a great idea! Count me in.

Let me know if you're still in!

I don't accept your challenge ... because it won't be a challenge defeating all of you every week :) But I will agree to take your money.

The smack talking begins. lol

Let me know if you're still in!

What's that link in Yahoo Fantasy

Just send me your email to: and I'll send you an invite!

I'm in! Let me know where to send the SBD. Also can someone go over the legality of a betting site? I feel since steemit is decentralized that if people want to bet steem dollars on the outcome of a game that maybe they should be able to. Or maybe someone can create a DFS type interface where the "house" gets a piece because of the experience and is not just a straight up bookie like many online gambling sites that accept bitcoin are.

Great! You can send to @steemrollin. Yes DFS is legal right now so this league is fine and that's why we're doing voluntary donations instead of entry fees. Peerplays is a blockchain that acts as a decentralized house as you describe so you should check them out. I'm hoping for someone to create a DFS business built on Steemit/Peerplays. I think there is a lot of opportunity.


Great idea! I thought about something of the sort but for the start of the NHL season because... well, I'm Canadian. Anybody interested in a hockey pool?

I'd do a hockey league!

Let's see what can be done. I'm quite new here (2 weeks), so I don't know how it could be done in a Steemit setup. I've just used the searching tool and didn't found anything of interest for ''hockey pool'', but I learned that Steemit's First Professional Hockey Player! made it on this very social platform 2 months ago!

Is it like Blood Bowl? Sounds cool. Next thing I'd like are Online Battle tech board game tournaments. There is a platform that allows for online play. Hmm, I wonder if it is possible to integrate MegaMek match logs with blockchain. :->

This is regular NFL football, but yeah the picture makes it look like Blood Bowl. Check out Peerplays. I'm sure there'll be various games on there eventually.

Yup, I know about Peerplays, but my experience in obtaining them via the sharedrop via openledger has been less then stellar. Problem is the bug happens because of the warning mechanism. And somehow that browser I used flushed the cache when going into private mode with my wallet with it. Aaaand I couldn't back it up, because I am not on PC. I mean, even on Android it would be possible, but not on iOS.

Yes it's difficult on iOS web app. Sorry to hear of your experience!

Count me in! I just sent you an email and sending over the 10 SBD now.

Great. Received!

Looking forward to it!

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u running one this year?

Yeah I think it would be good to keep it going. I have to find time to post about it, but if you want to feel free. We can use the same Yahoo setup as last year.

Oh no, I've got enough on my plate. Was just wondering if you were doing it again and look forward to it starting up, thanks!

Ever do this again?