Been a super fun couple of days surfing and skating here in Indonesia.
Arrived in Bali a couple days ago, just made it to Canggu yesterday by overpacked scooter - heres a pic of my buddy with all his crap on his back and surfboard strapped to the side.
Had heard good reports of the waves here for an average surfer like myself, and boy has that been proven correct. Two days of surfing here so far and some good progression sessions under our belts.
Met a few skaters at our hostel so have been checking out some epic bowls - Pretty Poison & Konkrete (I think that's what they are called). Had heard Pretty Poison was a gnarly bowl, my head does not argue with that. Was having a good barefoot session on my way home from a surf, got a lil too into it and took a pretty bad head slam (no blood so all is well).
Feel bad as i have to borrow peoples boards but everyone seems happy to let me have a lil barefoot jam. Real good vibes at these bars pushing some really gnarly skating and getting everyone involved, love a good skate community!
Konkrete session with a few chaps on a skate trip from cali and a few of the locals.
Wow that bowl looks incredible!
Awesome that the locals let you take turns on their boards =)
Hope your head is ok!
Yea the locals were really nice and always trying to get more people skating which i thought was really cool!
My head seems to be ok.. not sure what my name is anymore but that doesn't matter does it? :p haha
Hahaha! Brilliant! =)
that is like, the funnest looking bowl i have ever seen. seriously who made that?