in #sports7 years ago (edited)

I thought it would be interesting to start a series of stories and experiences that I have had with meeting famous athletes.

A few of my friends and I have always enjoyed meeting sports stars and attempting to get their autograph. Unfortunately, there are many people out there that do this just to sell the autograph, and it gives others (who do it for fun) a bad name.

My first story is my most recent. A few weeks ago, Lamar Jackson announced a few autograph sessions around the Louisville metro area, with proceeds to be donated to charity. Usually, I do not pay to get an autograph, but since it was for charity, I thought I would make an exception.

Lamar Jackson has never (to the general public's knowledge) signed autographs, as the University of Louisville instituted a policy that forbade their athletes from signing, due to eligibility issues. This is widely believed to be due to the notoriety that Johnny Manziel gained from signing autographs that were sold, which put his eligibility into question. However, I learned of rumors as to why Louisville really banned autograph signing. There is a group of autograph seekers, sometimes referred to as "hounds", from Cleveland that stalked Lamar during his Heisman campaign. Apparently, they followed him for days and even waited outside his dorm for him to sign. Because he refused, they were constantly berating him and pounding on his door. After this, the Louisville ban went into effect.

Anyway, we went to Louisville to a Planet Fitness where Lamar was to be signing autographs from 2-4pm. We waited in the freezing cold for about an hour and a half before we were able to get inside. We were roughly 700th in line, with another 500 behind us.

After all of this waiting, we were informed that Lamar would not be able to get to everyone, and that only 500 people would be guaranteed an autograph. Many were upset, especially an older couple in front of us who were die-hard Louisville fanatics. The husband had recently undergone a heart transplant only 5 weeks prior, and had waited, with a face mask on, through the bitter cold.

Even though we were given no guarantee, we stayed, as did all behind us. You could tell that Mr. Jackson was a special person, based on the fans' desire to meet him, if only for a few seconds.

The clock struck 4:00pm and we were still close to 250 people from the front of the line. But for some reason, no one told us to leave. Slowly, but surely, we made it to the front of the line and got to meet Lamar and get a football signed. He was very appreciative to meet us, and others, and was beyond nice. We later found out that he pushed off other plans to make sure that all of those who came out that day would receive an autograph from him.

Lamar Jackson gained a big fan in me that day. Although he is great on the football field, what he does off of the field for others, especially those who cheer for him, makes him even greater. There are many athletes who are accomplished that treat fans very poorly. It is refreshing and awesome to see that Lamar is accomplished and appreciative of those who are fans of his.

My recommendation is follow Mr. Jackson's career and root for him. Hopefully, he will make a fan out of you like he did for me.
