What to do in case of sports injuries

in #sports6 years ago


Muscle injuries related to sports activity happen more often than you think. In fact, a wrong move is enough to suffer trauma. Find out what to do in case of bruises and strains and how to prevent injuries in the most effective way.

For athletes and amateur athletes, an injury involves a forced break from training. When you are injured it is important to act quickly to shorten the stop period. Furthermore, by taking appropriate preventive measures, the risk of injuries can be greatly reduced.

Frequent muscle injuries


In the event of a contusion, a hematoma is formed between the muscle fibers, which are tearing of the blood vessels by crushing a muscle that is pressed against the bones or the joint capsules. Kicks, barrel, and falls are among the most frequent causes.

The muscles, subjected to high stresses and excessive tension, may undergo a stretching. In this case, muscular tears are created which leave intact the anatomical structure of the muscle. If the pains due to stretching are ignored and further physical efforts are made, a tear of the muscle fibers may occur, which may be of interest to individual fiber situations or even an entire muscle.

RICE rule

In the case of sports injuries, it is advisable to follow the RICE rule first:
R - Rest (rest) immediately stop the training and rest the injured part.
I - Ice (ice) the cold counteracts any swelling and inflammatory reactions. Important: avoid applying ice directly on the skin.
C - Compression (compression) A compression bandage applied in time reduces the swelling and the expansion of the hematomas. The vessels are compressed in such a way as to prevent further leakage of blood.
E - Elevation (lifting) keeps the injured part up, better if above the height of the heart. In this way the venous return is promoted, avoiding the formation of swelling.
If you still experience severe pains despite these first responders, you should consult a doctor.
Preventing muscle injuries

Protect muscles before and after training and focus on prevention.


Heating: the danger of accidents is greatly reduced if the body is prepared to face the physical exertion required by sporting activity. Take a gentle run of about 15 minutes, this will stimulate the blood supply to the tissues and give the body greater elasticity and resistance.

Muscle stretching: after training it is important to perform a good stretching session, which allows you to gradually increase the mobility of muscles, tendons, and ligaments and consequently reduce the risk of long-term injuries.