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RE: Can't beat fun at the old ball park... especially if you love heckling.

in #sports7 years ago

Man all of the stories you shared were great. I especially enjoyed the Jose Conseco one because I know his ego was bruised lol.

I'm a HUGE sports fan also and always dreamed of interacting with professional athletes. I think my fondest memory was actually the quickest interaction as well.

While stationed at Luke AFB in Arizona I volunteered to help my buddy who was in the honor guard as they presented the colors before a Phoenix Suns game. A friend and I were standing in the tunnel folding the American flag after the ceremony when I saw his jaw drop.

I initially thought it must be a hot girl so I turned around and standing right next to me was Muhammad Ali. A resident of Phoenix, AZ he would occasionally attend the games and sit court side.

With his wife by his side I stood there less than two feet away speechless starring at him without blinking. He slowly turned to me gave a little smile and wink before proceeding to walk to his seat when they announced his name over the loud speaker. I still get chills to this day when I think about that moment.


That is incredible! I actually got chills reading this. He is one of the most influential sports figures of all time. He is a legend who will never be forgotten. Some day you will tell your grandchildren Muhammad Ali winked at you and it will have significance.