¡The ticking time bomb of spectacles!

in #sports4 months ago

Definitely these spoiled and capricious little kids of nowadays do not respect nor want to respect their elders. And for the same reason they are going to have to learn a hard lesson the hard way.

A hard lesson that undoubtedly will be painful and humiliating but instructive and sobering. Let's hope in the end they will learn something useful and valuable in their short life.

Because if they don't, I doubt very much that they will also be able to grow old. Since without the slightest doubt, they won't have the most minimal chance of doing so. Given that they simply won't survive to their childish antics. In view of what I have said so many times before: "Experience is something you don't get but until just after you need it"

I remember that time when you could actually sit in front of your TV and enjoy a good boxing match. The time when there were real warriors, magnificent fighters and skilled pugilists in the art of this sport we call boxing performed in a traditional ring. Like some of the ones I will show you below among the many that existed in that good era in the history of this sport. Certainly there are too many of them worth to mention, but as an example, I will simply choose only three of these great boxers so that you understand what I mean.

«Sugar Ray Leonard vs Marvin Hagler»

«Sugar Ray Leonard vs Thomas Hearns»

«Marvin Hagler vs Thomas Hearns»

Yeah, it seems like this class and category of fights with this quality of skilled contenders in the art of boxing has become quite difficult to find and enjoy these days. Because today everything in this noble sport seems to be more a simple mediatic circus. A simple entertainment show and emotionless spectacle to only chase the money and further enrich the promoters and the subscription media supported by new technologies but to the detriment of the real vocational and professional boxers and an audience eager to enjoy of a good and authentic boxing fight like those of yesteryear.

And yes, I am not one of those people who you could call a die hard follower and fanatic of boxing or of any other sport for that matter. But I do remember of always wanting to watch and being willing to enjoy of a good boxing match every time it happened. Sheesh! I think the last boxing fight I saw with more or less these characteristics was between two complete strangers to me and I saw it by pure accident. But thank goodness it was pretty good and reminded me a bit to those old fights of the good days of boxing.

But anyway. Today, tonight and in just a few hours there will be a seemingly good boxing fight that seems worth watching. If not necessarily in the name of good memories and old times' sake, at least to check out where this sport is headed and also confirm some of what I wrote at the beginning of this post. Because definitely, I get the impression that this fight is going to be a great lesson for everyone. ¡Everyone!

Yeah, I can already see you there wondering which of tonight's two contenders might be my favorite. And to answer you briefly and without too many details, I will tell you just two things:

  1. I think it's going to be a pretty short and brief fight without much excitement.
  2. Just watch these two short videos below and you'll get the answer by yourself.

¡I'm not gonna lose!

Yep, maybe you now can say that I am just an old fart with nostalgia for the good times of this sport. But in my opinion, someone who has grown and aged enough as to have acquired new experiences to express himself in public in this way, for me, definitely cannot be a loser no matter how much money they may have offered him to lend himself to this spectacle. So from there you can draw your own conclusions about who I think will be the winner of this fight.

Nonetheless, I suspect we all really hope this Tyson vs. Paul fight isn’t rigged, scripted or staged so that we can't enjoy of a good spectacle no matter if it could end up being a very brief and short fight. One way or another the lessons will be there. And I reckon they are well worth witnessing and absorbing.

So make yourself comfortable in your favorite armchair and hurry up to enter to the classroom. ¡That the lesson is about to begin! And at least this so awaited fight will help us stay away from Hive for a few minutes, probably learning new things of greater substance, value and utility. So below, the info on where and how to do it.

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Cranky Gandalf



Oh, I thought you meant this one when you said spectacle.

Nope, this one is a different spectacle.

And the fight is about to begin folks!!
The anthem is already playing... so now shush!! LoL

And the bell rang.... };)

""Experience is something you don't get but until just after you need it"

I really resemble that aphorism.

Roberto Duran hit Sugar Ray too hard, and Sugar Ray didn't quit. 'No Mas', he said, and gave it up.


LoL, yeah, all of us ol'farts with true experience must resemble that aphorism.

Roberto Duran hit Sugar Ray too hard, and Sugar Ray didn't quit. 'No Mas', he said, and gave it up.

Well, I think it was the other way around. It was Duran who said "No Mas" in the second fight and rematch he granted to Leonard after defeating him and taking away his undefeated record in their first encounter.

Roberto "Mano de Piedra" Duran took away the undefeated and crown from Sugar Ray Leonard in their first encounter on June 20, 1980. And it was barely 6 months later on November 25, 1980 that Duran gave Sugar Ray his rematch and lost to him in that famous and remembered "No Mas" fight on the eight round. And then, nine years later on December 7, 1989, was their third and last fight in which Sugar Ray defeated Roberto Duran by unanimous decision after the fight went until the full 12-rounds.

That was indeed a golden age in boxing with excellent quality boxers to remember. Who knows? But, do you believe we still may have the chance to watch one of those great fights from before through a true rematch between some of those giants of the time?

"It was Duran who said "No Mas"..."

Yes. I apologize for not making that clear.