I consider myself that I had beautiful childhood because of sports that I was actively playing. My favourite were tennis and basketball. Since I grow up by the sea, I can say that I am pretty good swimmer too. :) However team sports thought me a lot what is mentioned in this post. Team work is the most important I believe as it created synergy so 1+1=3 in that case. I have learned that only competition should be between me and earlier me, to realise how much I have improved. I was applying all that latter on in high school while being a dancer, again as part of the team where I was teaching my fellow dancers the same thing "let's just be satisfy with our performance, not comparing ourself with other groups". And guess what, we won every time! I would lie if I would say I didn't enjoy that winning, but I realised even back then when I was only 17 that lot of pressure and expectations are gone if you just let go your ego to be better then others.
I am still doing my best to be active in some way and I know how much benefits that brings for our body and mind, both.
Regarding coaches, I just wish to all children to get wise ones..
I love that you mentioned sports that are not team based. My children are competitive swimmers and dancers. When they compete they are against other people but also against themselves. Their goal is to beat their last time and set new personal bests. At the same time, it is important for there athletes to demonstrate good sportsmanship. You must always play fair and understand how to win with grace and lose with dignity. It is those “good” coaches who can help with that. Thanks for such a thoughtful response.
You are welcome. For me there is no winning or losing, only process, if you don't give up in anything that you do, you will win!!! That is the law of nature! :)
Well said!!!
Thank you for appreciating.