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RE: Are the Cavaliers and Warriors the Only NBA Teams with Hope for Next Season? No. There is Another.

in #sports7 years ago (edited)

Man, the part of the map marking the Orlando Magic is way too small =/

I've almost quit watching the NBA, it's never been more pointless. GSW almost swept the playoffs, LOL, 3 games longer winning streak than the record?


GSW are in the running for being the greatest team of all-time. Teams like that dominant, lol. Personally, I think its amazing to see dominance like that because it won't always be around.

I can respect your point of view though. I think there are valid points on both sides (how competitive it is, are dynasties more fun or not, etc).

I'd agree. In fact, if they just said "screw salary caps, luxury tax, do whatever you want" I'd actually like that better (than the current system). What they have currently is this carefully restrictive system that concentrates power in some of the dynasty teams, despite all the seeming attempts at financial parity.

If they just made it total wild-wild west, we'd at least get an evenly matched Lakers vs. Celtics/Some Other East Big Spender team each year.

Then again, I could be totally wrong.

I know... I was stretching for something to bring me back next year. The playoffs were unwatchable.Rooting for the Twolves could be fun.

For those of us who don't, it sort of explains the popularity of sports betting. At least then you have something to get excited about.

Maybe the NBA should institute a point-handicap to teams based on their seed, in an attempt to see a 1/16th chance for each playoff team to win each year.

Ridiculous, but I'd watch it way more than I am now.

That sounds fun! I think you'd need to do that in an independent league though. Kind of like what the xfl was trying to do.

Yeah, but then we'd have different players, and I suspect we wouldn't care =/