Can you guess where this was taken?
That's right, this is at University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona! The home of the NCAA Final Four Tournament!
Unfortunately, this was actually taken yesterday at the "Fan Day", so sadly, no I am not actually at the arena today for the Madness.
The arena seats about 64k people and I looked at getting lower level tickets for the games today but they were starting around $800 per ticket... that is about 10X what you pay for a Suns ticket in the lower section (although at a different arena)... too pricey for me!
The Fan Day was free for people to come check the place out yesterday... "free" was much more in my price range.
It will be interesting to see how the teams shoot in such a big arena. Normally the more open space you have behind the basket the more it can throw off the depth perception of those shooting on the basket. There is plenty of open space in this arena...
So, who's gonna win the games today?
You got South Carolina against Gonzaga in the early game and then Oregon against North Carolina in the later game.
My bracket was already blown up as I didn't even have a single Final Four team picked... that is nothing out of the ordinary for me though.
Can't wait to watch some exciting hoops madness!
Follow me: @jrcornel
nice view
Zags will win this sportsball event.
They certainly could! I was surprised South Carolina made it this far, but I was also surprised that all 4 teams made it this far...
Zags had a stellar season, with only 1 loss IIRC.
Yea I had Arizona (of course) knocking them off in the Elite 8...
Congrats, @jrcornel! The post is clear and makes the subject interesting for me.
You have been visited by droomits
Haha! This post feels like a perfect fit for the party I'm having ;)
Haha yes it does! Thanks!
You're in the restroom taking a shit.
Nice post! Thank you for sharing!