Kyrie to da...
Boi 1da... The Boy Next Door...Sweetest left hand in the game
So you don't wanna play with the King no more huh? You wanna be traded huh?...To the Spurs, or Heat, or T'Wolves...?!
How bout this?!... How bout we (Lebron and his fans) get traded for a King's ransom and leave you in Cleveland for the remaining THREE years of your max contract?!
Try that on for size.
So you wanna be the "centerpiece" huh? Ok...We got a trick for ya
That boy Joel wild...but trust that LeBron will have a chance to win another ring if he leaves Cleveland. I can grant him that much confidence.
LeBron will not be out-Lebron'd... We been making calls since Kyrie announced this. We have no years to waste!
Queen Savannah wanna be on the west coast anyway! I say he ends up in purple and gold playing for Magic when it's all said and done.