Your analysis is excellent. Perhaps the awakened state of consciousness in a lot of people is a factor in lower ratings. Also, the force-fed approach of certain agendas was apparent in NBC's coverage this year. And that might make some traditional Olympic fans disinterested. For instance the focus on Gus Kenworthy was more about him being gay, than it was that he won a silver medal in the 2014 Sochi Olympics.
And that seems like preaching. So while most people honestly do not care what sexual persuasion someone is, at the same time, having that sexual persuasion thrown in your face for the benefit of an agenda, seems like more of a political display rather than it's supposed authentic germination. So, it's very possible the force-fed agenda here turned a lot of Americans off.
One of the things that pulls me into the Winter Olympics is speed.
There really is no substitute for the collection of winter sports the way it's presented in the Olympics. So, I watched and endured the forced feeding of agenda so I could get my winter sports fix. And well, I have to admit, that I actually laugh out loud when it all goes wrong for an athlete. The irony of the fact that no one forced this person to get into this situation. And then, BAM, right in front of the entire world, a guy is doing a chin-plow at 30 mph.
But, there is another side to the Olympics that I picked up from my parents watching the 1976 Winter Games with them. Because of our heritage we would also root for Germany and Italy.
And, also back then, we were blessed with the legendary Jim McCay. And he was always able to create excitement and interest in athletes from around the world with his show ABC's Wide World of Sports. And when he became the face for American Olympic coverage, he brought that enthusiasm for all Olympic Athletes with him.
So, I've always found it easy to root for all sorts of teams based on what I consider the "Olympic Spirit". Perhaps this is delusional. But, I do enjoy watching the competitions. And I enjoy the wide variety of Olympic Winter Sports.
A few interesting surprises I had watching in 2018 was the British Women's Curling Team. Having never watched the sport, the intense faces of these women as they competed was compelling.
Also, enjoyed watching the Korean Women's Curling Team. The expressions and drive that these teams have was obviously infectious. At a recent gathering with friends, we found ourselves all watching Olympic Curling. Also, curling athletes all look like someone you could go out and have a beer with.
Also, when people gather around a TV and start talking about how wild the Norwegian Curling Team's pants are, you know you have a good spectator sport.
And also, found it interesting that Olympic Athletes from Russia made a good showing. Although their country was banned from this Olympics for doping, the Olympic Committee offered them a chance to compete under the Olympic Flag. Granted they all had to submit to drug tests. And watching a 15 year old Alina Zagitova win a gold in figure skating was one of those moments that I feel brings me back to the Olympics year after year.
Perhaps I am a bit too unaffected by national pride when I watch the Olympics. Recently, when someone told me the USA wasn't doing so great in the medal count, my response was, "Yeah, So?". And basically that outlook means I enjoy watching the spectacle and the competition.
Granted, I am not nearly as much of a Summer Olympics fan. I did watch the 2016 BMX races and Women's Beach Volleyball during the Brazil games. But, I have to admit, my interest in women's volleyball has a lot to do with I like how this sport complements a women's physique.
Actually had to seek out the BMX event on the internet because NBC didn't feel the need to cover it. And instead on their CNBC channel had Iran vs Poland in Greco Roman Wrestlings. Yuck! The last thing I ever want to see is a swirling mass of man-meat on TV, (which is why I do not find MMA to be very entertaining).
And when you consider how exciting BMX races are, watching the complete 3 hour broadcast of it online was worth the time invested. One of the things that is massively annoying about the Olympics is the fact streaming it online is such a nightmare. They want you to go through your local cable provider. And to me, that creates a barrier that makes the overall games less appealing.
Seems to me, if they wanted to promote tribalism, making sure people find it easy to get their fix would be a top priority. And if the ratings for the Olympics falls any lower, perhaps we will see this sort of coverage in the future.
I will continue watching the regular broadcasts of the Olympics. And I suppose my outlook on it is a celebration of humanity more than it is a competition between tribes.
Nice post, fakeinternetnews. I enjoyed the games as well. I'm happy Poland got 2 medals (ski jumping), although I enjoyed other disciplines more - mostly alpine skiing and those involving snowboard or skiing aerial acrobatics. My country doesn't have a strong representation in those so I just enjoyed the show w/o cheering for anyone in particular.
You mentioned sexual persuasion. Did You know USOC has a director of diversity and inclusion? I learned few days ago after seing a CNN video ridiculing Fox News reporter for ridiculing USOC's officials. I've made a blog entry about this.
I'll check out your post.
Yeah, regardless of the New World Order aspect being pushed by the OUC, I still feel there is enough brotherly love to go around. And that makes the whole thing fun. Plus...I never get tired of the Germans at the Bobsled start.
What does the UOC stand for?
I meant, IOC. International Olympic Committee.
OUC is Orlando Utility Commission. Suppose I am suffering a bit of PTSD from the crazy electricity bills I got when I lived in Orlando. Used to get $290 a month electrical bill for a 800 square foot apartment when I lived there. Can you imagine what a 3/2 house would cost?
Oh, ok. Nothing about them nor about NWO in my piece unfortunately, unless You consider Cultural Marxism a means of achieving it. I hope it's quite interesting nonetheless, although I can't be sure until there are some comments underneath. I'd apprecieate if You leave any, positive or negative. Thanks in advance.
Oh, snap. That's a lot. I guess I'd be PTSD-ish myself to.
As long as You wouldn't have more freezers, do laundry or cooking more often and wouldn't leave TV and lights on in the rooms where there is noone, I think that wouldn't be much higher, right?
Who knows! Nice part of the country to live in. Very close to several cold springs. But that kilowatt per hour price is the highest in the country. Wonder if it has anything to do with OUC being a private, for profit, corporation. Hmmmm
I don't know. Either I'm missing something, or the situation has changed since You moved.
compared with other states, although I gotta say the note on that UOC's webpage about possible discrepancy between the rates published here and OUC's Tariff may explain Your experience. - Base Charge + Fuel Charge is below 13c per kWh and that seems in line with prices of energy in Frorida
I gotta say, local monopolies aren't the best environment for private companies. I don't know the details on how US railways are operating, but the model chosen in Britain doesn't seem to work well.
Thanks for that thoughtful reply! I look forward to the day when we can enjoy sports with the whole human family without the tribalism. I'm glad you're able to get your fix while seeing past that and being aware of it. Unfortunately, most people who watch do not have your enlightened perspective and eye for propaganda.
Thanks Adam!
Watching the closing ceremony tonight, I noticed a lot of weird NWO type symbolism. And they even called the Olympic Flame a cauldron, (which sounds a bit witchcrafty to me). Well, I had it on, and was busy doing some other work. But I am sure I heard a guy refer to the flame as a cauldron.
I think there will always be a bit of tribalism. But, I also think people are beginning to see the greater human/spirit connection worldwide. Most people are decent. It's the madmen and zealots that are the exception.
I think I haven't came across the term cauldron in accordance to Olympic fire until this Year. I found that term a bit weird as well, as in Polish that big bowl (lit during opening ceremony with a torch caring the Olympic fire) is called znicz olimpijski (literally Olympic vigil light or grave light).