Why sports is important?

in #sports8 months ago (edited)

Handling Small Groups of People and Marketing:

How, after knowing the truth that many sports ppl are hardly surviving after winning for their countries, can they not take care of a few thousand or hundreds of people who are fighting for their countries and making their mall marketable or getting some marketing for the country? at least from a financial perspective, I am talking. if a sport is getting revenue for the brands and a country why cannot it be given to those who are fighting in the front line at least according to their contribution and many other things. sports are also a main thing for making a country popular and creating a few ecosystems around it and it's one of the best ways to get a country/mall serving or thriving. instead 70% of sports ppl should suffer and ignore sports and like the rest of other sectors only the top 1 to 10% get benefits. football and basketball is mainly thriving because of the marketing and brand value created by the pro teams which most of other sports lack and due to the game also the dopamine hits football and basketball is faster than any other sports maybe t20 cricket but the duration is slightly longer than football and basketball. basketball is the coolest among others small courts few players with easier ways to score also, fewer rules, and as brand basket ball as cooler because of the players and the gameplay. football and cricket is a bit harder with just one ball with many players cricket is even bit harder with small ball with many players basketball big ball can be played with the most sophisticated part of the human body hand controlling is easy also, I am not comparing just pointing out how i feel so dont get fully technically as a non sports person as a viewer I am saying.

Sports Revenue and Betting:

Basketball and football have maximum revenue because of betting and many betting sites. That's why it's popular also when maximum revenue is generated with betting. here is the list of sports and their approximate betting revenue in order:

Football (Soccer): Over $1 trillion
Basketball: Approximately $200 billion
American Football: Approximately $150 billion
Baseball: Approximately $100 billion
Cricket: Approximately $75 billion
Tennis: Approximately $50 billion
Golf: Approximately $30 billion
Formula 1: Approximately $10 billion

Few underdeveloped countries still do not get into sports betting i guess, so these sports and sportsmen suffer because of a lack of income, which leads to a lack of supplemental tools, and lifestyle, and they never achieve their best. Betting is what will attract adult audiences to watch or value sports than regular, or most unpopular sports and sportsmen will go to waste in the long run.

Understanding Sports Betting:

Sports betting is not gambling. Winning odds are less in gambling and more based on luck. Sports betting is like trading on a brand. The certainty is higher than gambling, so get mature to see what is and how it is, then few primitive beings thinking about, and just because you are on the other side does not make you right if you're doing wrong things and senseless, sadistic things to people who are trying to make their life better with what they know. If you cannot provide, you don't have the right to take away their lives or damage any because your dumb leader told you is wrong or whatever. some of the culprits in betting are all online casinos and some online games, the maximum number of times the house will win and only few times i will give when its in profit and everything is coded in such a way no matter what you will end up losing money to machine let it be any game card game or any game which is played online which is coded with no real players and many cases their will be real players but the system i been coded to take from one to another who have given them profits and slowly in longer run it will take from you and give it other in most of the cases it will the internal player who will win in longer run so all this bulshit online casino rummy all this are just money grabbing schemes and better to stay away from such shits. so if few idiots compare sports trading to gambling they have no clue in first place why ancients told them gambling is bad or that matter whatever they were thought about right an wrong without commonsense if you just follow rules then you're only to to follow rules when you dont understand for what and why. some ppl just bet a few cents or dollars according to thier capacity and fun when you bet your value more than when u dont with your thrill increases 100times and doing it once a while for fun or thrill is fine anything of tomuchh is wrong for this also and if they are called gambler then youl should be real dumb and stupid i feel bad for such ones who have such tiny ways of seeing and understanding things. become mature or evolve.

Sportsmanship and Fair Play:

Fight a fair fight in sports without cheating, and if you win by cheating, it's not called winning. So let sports begin with a boom and show off who is the boss only through sports without cheating, with brains and balls. Not cheating like a weaker species and being proud of yourself by thinking you're greater. As far I can remember i never had to cheat in any game whatever I played on streets like Lagori, top, marbles kits, cricket, cards. football and chess i was winner without cheating, in real life however in the virtual world in every game you play you will be cheated there is nothing called fair game in virtual online games. so today and future gen will be ready to cheat in what ever names becus that's the way virtual games are maximum blockchain is even worst just becus their is possibility of ppl buy and dumb stocks they make sure everyone game is coded to make them be in profit every game is winning rations will coded before you even play and competition maximum with internal players or bots. and its fine to cheat the one who cheat you or at least try to cheat the one who win by cheating. but dont take whats not yours by cheating winning a game which has no monetary gain is different then taking away thier funds in what ever names be reasonable humans.
Calling ourselves light s or right side does not make it right or light. Defense is fine, but not starting or attacking when their is no necessity. Stop being petty-minded and keep attacking like kids with no sense. When someone gives you enlightenment about a subject by attacking them like immature kids and just because you on the other side and have fewer perspectives. all wars can be fought through sports then there won't be any need to kill or killed least, who are on earth.


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