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RE: Tom Brady - certainly not the greatest sportsman of all time ... but I would suggest the greatest WINNER

in #sports8 years ago

well, it really isn't "fair" that he wins so much. the runner up team members should at least get trophies or stickers or something for making the "effort" to show up to the game! (in case of any doubt, yes, this was a joke)

Yet, we have raised an entire generation, maybe two, who actually believe they deserve an award for just showing up. The trust fund babies who think they’re making an intelligent (or even intelligible) statement by “occupying” Wall Street, disrespecting the police and disrupting business, are the worst that the Participation Trophy Generation has to offer. They actually believe they’re entitled to have their student loans, which they willingly took on, wiped out just because they managed to get to class on time. Or at least before the class was over. These are the same young people who are angry that they weren’t offered a six figure job the minute they graduated, and then believe they should be promoted to CEO as soon as they get hired. Their sense of entitlement is astonishing!

Then again, they probably got trophies for showing up during Little League season. They were raised to expect something for nothing.

Link: Participation Trophies