IOC did not let the justified Russians to the Games

in #sport7 years ago (edited)

IOC did not let the justified Russians to the Games. What does it mean
Legkov and the Tretyakov will not be able to perform in Pyeongchang. 10 consequences.
Additional ROC application for 13 Russian athletes and two coaches, justified on Thursday by the Sports Arbitration Court (CAS), was unanimously rejected by the IOC commission for admission. The head of the commission Valerie Ferneron and her colleagues believe that while the CAS did not disclose the reasoning part of its verdict, the athletes can not be considered clean. What conclusions follow from the latest IOC decision ,?

  1. Russians who received a hope for a trip to Pyeongchang after the court decision of February 1, while such an opportunity is denied.

  2. The motivation part of the CAS verdict should appear at the end of February. If you wait for its publication, for the Olympics-2018, which will be held from 9 to 25 February, athletes from the additional application just do not have time.

  3. Theoretically, there is an opportunity to appeal the decision of the Fournon Commission to the exit panel of the CAS, which sits in Pyeongchang and is conceived precisely to solve the problems in an emergency.

  4. The position of the admissions committee demonstrates IOC's distrust of the court, which, according to the Olympic Charter, is the supreme authority for the resolution of all sports disputes. Commission Fournon, demanding not just the conclusion of "guilty-innocent", but also the arguments in this regard, in fact replacing the court.

  5. The IOC tries at all costs to prevent the participants of the Sochi Olympics, punished by the disciplinary commission of Oswald, from entering Pchechchang. The tactics of delaying decisions with reference to the lack of a motivating part of the verdict podsmotrena Fournonon from international federations, which last fall also refused to recognize the decisions of the Oswald Commission until they were shown the reasoning part. True, in the case of federations there was no hard deadline. Now the delay of a few days makes all the courts senseless.

  6. At the end of the 2018 Olympics, the Fournonon Commission will cease to exist. And this means that further to deal with the decision of the CAS will have to the executive committee of the IOC.

  1. Formally, the IOC did not violate anything, because thanks to the decisions on the neutral status of Russian Olympians, they are free to allow or not allow our compatriots to the Games at their discretion. Commission Fourneron could not even invoke the absence of a reasoning part, but simply refuse to explain the reasons.

  2. The IOC position makes all "expedited" judicial procedures meaningless. It turns out that Fournonon can ignore the decisions of the CAS exit panel, and the verdict of the Swiss civil court, which has not yet formally announced a verdict on the non-admission of six of our athletes with a doping history led by Pavel Kulizhnikov and Denis Yuskov.

  3. Judging by the mood of the IOC, 167 athletes will remain in the application of "Olympic athletes from Russia". Our hopes for strengthening the team at the expense of detached, while in vain.

  4. Additional ROC application could bring us at least 5-6 medals of Pyeongchang. The chances for them have now been reset, unless, of course, there is a miracle in the CAS exit panel. The panel can now consider the participation of Russians in the substitution of samples at the Games in Sochi, and the very fact of their non-admission to Pyeongchang after justification in arbitration.