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RE: Spoon Theory :: Water Lily, Denver, CO :: Wednesday Yellow

in #spoontheory7 years ago

I know that I have a terrible time coming up with content on the daily, but it helps me to schedule out a few days work in advance so I can be a little lazy and just copy pasta from my backlog/frontlog/workdoneinadvance? haha.

You got my support, one way or another. <3

The hardest part for me is absorbing the sheer amount of feed, commenting, engaging. Hence me whittling down my follows slowly over time.

Actually writing the blog isn't so hard when you look at (all the other stuff) that goes along with it.

Hope landwhale is doing good.


I like the idea of prepping content in advance. But yea, maintaining the relationships is where the time and hard work is (especially when doesn't make it easy to keep up with things)

Yeah my urge to reply to comments comes and goes. I've tried many strategies but I think the crux of the issue is having to dig and figure out if someone is a robot or not, then replying. That drives me nuts in terms of time wastage/time management. I feel like those moments could be better spent so my comment replying starts to drag down and le-suck after a while until I guilt myself into getting back into it. haha. <3