I'm beside myself with all the love I've been shown on this platform.
Like..... OUT OF MY BODY, beside myself. I can't think of a better place to be.
Logged in with the turn of a private key, sorting through replies — I'm giddy like a bride-to-be.
Seeing my time turn into wealth, exponentially.
Reading messages from the past, dug up later on
Encapsulated dreams from my parents front lawn,
have almost come to fruition thanks to money made out of math, and
a major milestone in my Steemit path.
Officially — If there were a thousand me, I’d need a million you.
Thanks from the bottom of my heart, and a little extra too.
M x M = 1,000,000
Fear, uncertainty, and doubt have no place in my equation.
Steem is the future.
Many laugh as they look backwards through a magnifying glass,
Blinded by disbelief and disproportion,
Ignorance is bliss they try to convince — Pale complexion and bleeding without suture.
Excuse me while I learn some more and help the souls that don’t dismiss, the fact that THEIR ship is sinking. I hope they jump on before they fall along, into the abyss.
Shoes without souls, sold as the norm — step up and stop being used.
Come join my new friends and I, in this social media reform.
Turn your time into wealth. A post a day is good for your health.
Thanks to EVERYONE, and special thanks to.....
EVERYONE ASSOCIATED WITH @THEALLIANCEYou know who you are <3 If I wrote everyone's name, this post would never end.
@aggroed, @michaeldavid, @enginewitty, @vachemorte, @saffisara, @topkpop, @nainaz.tengra, @sweetsssj, @fulltimegeek, @buzzbeergeek, @tattoodjay, @princessmewmew, @detlev, @katrina-ariel @shadowspub, @bmj, @battleaxe, @sircork, @c0ff33a, @juliakponsford, @goldenarms, @chefsteve, @soundwavesphoton, @klye, @mariannewest, @sol25, @thekitchenfairy, @darkflame, @aldentan, @brandyb, @moeknows, @platosgroove, @boxcarblue, , @originalworks, @ned, @qurator, @pharism, and everyone else I missed.
You make this look far to easy, throwing out rhymes like candy on Halloween while keeping a super chilled demure. Throughout my time on Steemit I have encountered many people, and every now and again I find someone that I can really connect with. You @avesa are one of those that I can really relate to, we are totally different people living in opposite sides of the world - but somehow we share the same humour - and often I feel people either just don't understand or plain feel insulted by my good natured banter. With you we could trade good hearted banter all night long, without worry that it would be taken the wrong way. I like your style, the music you make with your band is exceptionally well finished and produced - I just hope you remember me when you are famous! Congratulations on how far you have already come, your followers will keep growing because of the quality of your content and talent. #thealliance
and I drink... A LOT... of coffee.Haha thanks brotha! I feel the same way! no way I can forget C0ff33a! Impossible! Everytime I make Coffee, I'm like.... "I wonder what the homie @c0ff33a is up to?"
I appreciate the hell out of your support! You are a gentleman and a scholar! (tips hat)
Fantabulous my brotha! Passed it on :)
Why thank you señor!! A thousand blessings to you!
Congrats on the big 1000! Sick rhymes yo, really liked it!
Aye! Thank you so much!
I'm honored
Congrats on reaching 4 digits! Hopefully I’ll be there with you in a few months. Keep it up!!!
Thank you! God speed sir!! you got this!
One closer now :)
Awsome post my friend and CONGRATS on your 1000 followers... YEAY! 🙌
You know if I unfollow you now you only have 999 😂😂😂hahaha sorry just kidding.
Loved the video and thank you for the mention dear. You are so amazing and so well deserved of all Awsomeness that comes your way 🤗
Great achievement. Cheers!
My dastardly plan, thwarted by such magnificent Sass ;)
Thank you so much <3
Well since you put it that way 😉 lol
No you are the sweetest and lots of people are following you because of it 😊
Stay as you are... Big Hug 🤗
Much love bro, good words, i guess i have not met you officially yet, maybe its because im bipolar and i can't freaking keep up with everyone, omg im freaking out. nope thats not it, im cool im cool, i have seen you around and recently discovered your spotlight alliance post. well done @avesa blessa you sir be well and feel the love. im flipping @krazypoet not everyone knows it, but im awesome. discover and lets hover the ground together. lets levitate, congregate and regulate here on steemit because everyone will one day believe in it.
Im diggin what your throwin down.
Meditate, radiate, grocery store rebate.
We're all a little bipolar.
Nice to officially meet you.
Like wise kind sir
Awesome! love this. You are going to need an original food dish from me after all those amazing lines. Tell me some of your favorite ingredients and I'll make you a dish. This post was so inspiring, resteemed. Thanks
haha YES. I like everything, but heres a few...
mahi mahi/crab/lobster/pork/onions/garlic/mango/pineapple
Thanks for everything man. you're awesome
Thanks for the shoutout!!Totally love that you turned this into the #spokenword. Totally loved it!!!
Thank YOU!! I may have to speak some more words with all this positive feedback :)
Perhaps with background music...
I think you are on to something...
Awesome spoken word love it.
Congrats and keep inspiring that real, positive change.
Appreciate you
Thanks Chief! I appreciate YOU.
Will do :)
if this doesn't make you want to join steemit, then i don't know what will! CONGRATS MY DOOD! You are killin it! Also, this spoken word...booooiiii!
haha I hope it will get some peeps on :)
Thanks, girl.
Today reviewing my notifications I get with this great news. Thanks for the mention and for being a great member of our family. You deserve it. 🙂🤗
Thank YOU for being such a badass :)
much love, sista!
Congratulations friend! I wish you a million more. Peace.
Thank you!! To infinity and beyoooond!!
(flys away)
Well deserved my friend
I bet by the time I'm writing this comment you're getting another hundred followers or so 😉
Your great work is just too hard to miss 😄 I'm so proud of being a ally 😊
I wish you all the best 😊
haha unfortunately it didn't happen.....
Maybeeeeeee....... NOW!
I'll get it ;)
Thank you so much.
Alliance GOOOO!
Congrats @avesa! You deserve to have these people. You have been a valuable member of #thealliance and you have made my stay in alpha worthwhile. I kind of missed that place with the restructuring of #thealliance lol. Best of luck in yoir endeavors!
Thanks Jose! I gotta admit I kinda miss it too! BUT, I'm getting used to it and it's really nice having everyone in one place. The chats sure are more poppin now!
They are. The division is gone and I think its speaks to growth.
And by the way, your bio (profile description) is hilarious haha. Will take life less seriously
Haha, so glad to hear that! You deserve it :)
Congrats on the 1K! Wishing you much success on your way to 2K and beyond. Have a great evening.
You're awesome! Thank you.
Right back atcha!
yeah!!!!! congratulations! loved hearing you "perform" this on PYPT :) what a great accomplishment!
Thank you! <3
Congratulations, mate!
I also love the poetry, rhyming nicely
Thanks ms Fairy!! Sometimes there's a rhyme scheme, sometimes it's just madness, but somehow it seems to come together :)
If you fainted due to 1000 followers, what's gonna happen when it hits 2000 though?
Guess champagne for everyone, right?
IF I SURVIVE!! It may be too much for my little soul to handle... ;)
😂 you are too humble, my friend, bet you'd reach 10000 soon enough
I will be waiting for my (virtual) champagne!
Girl, when I get to 10000, we're poppin real champagne
Bravo! Love the poem, and the video is awesome! Thanks for sharing this with us on PYPT this morning! 😊
YOU are awesome :3
Thanks for being you!
That was pretty awesome. I'm honored to be a part of your Steemit journey.
That's so true and strikingly profound when you think about it. Especially when a lot of people are saying we spend too much time on social media. Good write and great performance.
You are a shining light in the darkness! Thanks moe :) The trick is to choose the right social media. Ones that service us. Not the other way around :) F facebook. F instagram. F twitter. I may be slightly bitter.... but good riddance.
Thanks man!
Congrats for 1k followers man, bravo @avesa
'Preciate it! Thanks yo
Hope I can reach that milestone one day as well. Congrats dude!
Thanks! You can do it! One closer now ;)
Thanks ;)
not even sure how i arrived at your blog @avesa, but it's refreshing and nice to hear such gratefulness coming from the love your received here in our beloved blockchain
well, if at all you enjoy this, i hope you will promote this vigorously to your friends, family, heck any random persons you meet actually, could not be a better time, see my respond to taskmaster, this is really a beautiful time to get over (like you say a thousand of you needs) a million people on-boarded into Steem
High SBD Encouraging Sustainable Blogging and Higher Steem Account Onboarding in 2018
Thanks! It's only right. I don't know if I'll ever be able to equal the love I receive, but I'm gonna try :)
Yes! High SBD FTW.
oh yeah following you now >1000 surely :)
wow 1000 followers thats pretty nice, i am also working hard to get their.. ;-)
@adityajainxds #thealliance
You got this!! engage, engage!
Want to ask for his advice, let his steemit account grow like you.
"One may say, he who is who, trade place for her who hide in pigeon coup."
THAT, is the secret to success.
congratulations on reaching 1k followers @avesa. You really are a great addition to where you are. No matter where you are. Here's to 2k followers and beyond.
Cheers! Thank you!
congratulation man!!!
'Preciate it sir!
Much love
congratulations friends attainment 1000 followers, I hope can be infinitely his followers.
Thank you!
Your welcome @avesa
High five dude. Keep making rad stuff!