The Splinterfest 2022 event was a fun and informative deep immersion into this revolutionary play-to-earn environment. So glad I attended.

Attending Splinterfest last week here in Vegas, my confidence was bolstered even further. Although I'm not taking an active part in all the new directions the company is going (no Tower Defense for me at this time), I see my not inconsiderable capital stake in Splinterlands as a sound and promising "alternatative" investment - though I believe in the near future, we'll see those quotes removed from much in the blockchain and crypto space. Any hiccups or road blocks we face in the Splinterlands ecosystem going forward, I'm convinced, will be due to extraneous factors only as the team continue to evidence talent and commitment that makes me feel as confident as possible in their continued vision going forward.I was introduced to Splinterlands by my friend @blewitt who saw the potential in this new gaming model well before I did and had already jumped in with both feet. I was resistant at first, in large part because I was skeptical of the blockchain and crypto space overall (and still am in many ways). But the more I learned, the more I looked into what the Splinterlands team was doing, the more I was convinced these guys were really on to something.
Staff and attendees alike proved a good group of people. I made some new friends and was quite encouraged by the feedback I got for a new project of my own in the blockchain space - that I'll be sharing more of here on Hive in the coming months. :)
I love that it still feels like we're very much on the ground floor in this play-to-earn space and grateful that we have pioneers like Splinterlands carving a trail through this unknown realm. Like many others, I look forward to coming along for the ride and even following in their footsteps a bit.
Can't wait for land reveals and Runis!!