Earning CTP via CTPM... #winning! I just bought 205 CTPM Miners.

in #splintertalk4 years ago


I have been collecting miners on the blockchain for a bit. (I own a couple different ones that pay out.)

205 more CTPM miners = oh yes.

Over the past several months I've been staking all the CTP I earn, whether it's from miners, or post rewards. I started out doing this on my @robwillmann account, which is my personal account on here.

Yet I upvote mostly with @threesteps. It didn't make sense to me to upvote with one account and own the miners with another.

So I did a thing: I purchased 205 CTPM just now to add to my collection.

My holdings for the two accounts:




@threesteps is 66th on the richlist... but not for long!

Since I need to stake more of these to really see a difference in my CTP income, I am also going to move the ones from @robwillmann over to the threesteps account and stake those too!

Right now I own 798.291 CTPM on my @robwillmann account. If I add these up:

798.291 + 205 = 1003.291. Just over 1000 CTP.

Once aggregated and on one account I'll be ~28th on the RIchlist: https://clicktrackprofit.com/v2/richlist/?token=CTPM

This will give me additional power for my upvotes of CTP content. That's epic! It's exactly what I wanted. More upvote power helps me to reward those folks that post great content on the blockchain.

How do you grow your wealth PASSIVELY?

I am all for passive ways to earn additional income because I am busy. Married with two kids and a more than fulltime job means I have to be picky with how I spend my time. Earning tokens by staking and growing seems like a win to me.

Since I believe in what CTP is accomplishing, it makes the decision to earn more of their token, stake it and keep writing seem like a fantastic plan.

I'd love to hear what YOU do to earn passively on the Hive blockchain. Let me know below in the comments.

Peace and love,


threeSteps - Hive Curation3.png


I do dLease with Hive...there isn't a dLease equivalent for POB or other coins that I know of or I'd use those, too. I bring in a little over 2.3 hive per day.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I've used dLease before when I needed some HP for our last challenge. It's definitely a great place to lease some power. Right now I have a couple of cards that rent okay on SplinterLands, I stake my SPS, SPT, and sell and convert other second-layer tokens and buy DEC and SPS.

Yet I still have a spot in my heart for CTP always, and am a part of that tribe and relate to them well. I've made some good friends with these other marketers and entrepreneurs. That's why I want more miners so I can stake the CTP payouts for greater upvote power.

I don't know what ctp is. I'm always looking for a great return. I've wanted to do miners for years but have never died deep enough to learn the programming, etc. I have an old computer that could probably be put to the task, but if the electricity consumption is higher in cost than the value of the underlying coin, it's not worth it. Where do you buy your miners and what is your cost comparison? What is ctp?

Miners for Hive-engine tokens only requires staking to start mining, here is a great tool built by Marky to see the break even for your investment in each miner, https://hiveengine.usehive.com/

CTP is a token for the ClickTrackProfit.com tribe. We have our own token and condenser (ctptalk.com). It's a group of entrepreneurs who improve their craft and their hive holdings. We're an active group, and there's a number of us with decent accounts for upvoting: https://clicktrackprofit.com/v2/richlist/?token=CTP

The CTPM token is the miner. You buy it and stake it, and then you receive mining rewards in CTP payouts for having the miners staked.

Erik's link he shared re: miner payouts is a good one. I like owning CTPM because I stake all of the CTP I get in rewards and grow my holdings so my upvotes on ctptalk carry more weight.


Currently they're at 0.42 Hive per miner for market price.

I'll take a look. Thank you!