So you wrote a few articles on SplinterTalk and now there's a nice little pile of SPT sitting there in your wallet. Did you know you can stake these rewards and then delegate them to earn even more through curation? I'm about to show you how!
Staking With Monster-Curator
The @monster-curator Project was started in 2019 and has been working tirelessly to promote quality content and help grow the community ever since. Staking your SPT with them allows you to earn even more of it and on top of that, SPT tokens count for 0.25 airdrop points in-game, earning you SPS (which can also be staked for even higher returns!) as well.
The Staking Process
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Ignore the $0 balance. I'd already delegated everything when I took this.
After you've written your article and received some votes, your rewards will be deposited into your (SplinterTalk Wallet) the following week. Once the SPT is in that wallet, you can go to over to your Hive-Exchange Wallet and you'll see that the SPT also appears there.
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You'll notice a little padlock at the end of the SPT row. If you click that, it will bring up the staking window.
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Verify that YOUR username is the one listed in the "TO:" field and after you enter the amount you'd like to stake, hit "STAKE SPT" to complete the staking process. After completing this process, if you look at the SPT in your wallet, you'll notice that the padlock icon has changed and there's a new icon next to it.
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The Delegation Process
If you click the two-way arrow, it will open up a window that looks like the staking window we just used, except this window is for delegating SPT.
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Enter the username of the person you're delegating to (@monster-curator in my case), enter the amount, and hit "DELEGATE SPT" to complete the process. Within the next 24-48 hours (depending on the time you delegated), you'll receive your first daily payout.
Undelegating SPT
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Once the delegation process is complete, the padlock and two-way arrow are replaced with another new icon. This time it's a folder. Clicking on that opens the undelegate window.
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When this window opens, there's no information filled out, so you need to know where your SPT is delegated. If you're delegating to multiple accounts, you'll also need to know how much. For this info, we had back to our SplinterTalk Wallet.
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Here we see that the amount of SPT that we staked is now listed under SPT Power. It shows us our balance and the negative number below that shows us how much we have delegated. There's also a little "eye" icon next to the amount delegated. If we click that icon, it will bring up a window that sows us where our SPT is delegated to.
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This is the info we're looking for. Take note of where and how much SPT is there and head back over to your Hive-Exchange Wallet.
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Once there, click on the folder to bring up the undelegate window.
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Enter the amount you'd like to undelegate and the name of the user that's currently holding them. After that, click "UNDELEGATE" and the process is complete.
Hopefully this helped you get your SPT staked and delegated so you can earn more!