Mana 13 Lineup
First Lineup
- Summoner: Malric Inferno
Mana Cost: 3
Abilities: +1 Melee Attack
Use when rule set: Melee Mayhem, Unprotected, Up Close and Personal, Super Sneak, Weak Magic
Don’t use when rule set: Keep Your Distance - Serpentine Spy
Mana Cost: 3
Abilities: Opportunity, Poison - Cerberus
Mana Cost: 4
Abilities: Heal, Retaliate - Creeping Ooze
Mana Cost: 1
Abilities: Slow - Kobold Miner
Mana Cost: 2
Abilities: Sneak - Furious Chicken
Mana Cost: 0
Abilities: Scavenger, Shield
Second Lineup
- Summoner: Malric Inferno
Mana Cost: 3
Abilities: +1 Melee Attack
Use when rule set: Melee Mayhem, Unprotected, Up Close and Personal, Super Sneak, Weak Magic
Don’t use when rule set: Keep Your Distance - Serpentine Soldier
Mana Cost: 5
Abilities: Shield, Dodge, Thorns - Serpentine Spy
Mana Cost: 3
Abilities: Opportunity, Poison - Kobold Miner
Mana Cost: 2
Abilities: Sneak