DEVS put a Cool Down timer on Quest Potions please! We want them back!!!

in #splintertalk4 years ago

So this is my idea, instead of having all the community punished with not being able to use and afford the Quest Potion I recommend putting a 3.5 or 7 day timer on the buying of it but make it limited to just 1 or 2 potion vs 10 otherwise it would defeat the purpose and if 10 were bought then you have enough for 10 more days. If you only allow 1 potion to be bought every 3.5 days then it builds up anticipation in the game and people will be happy again. Just some thoughts. I mean the Guild Brawls store had a timer on it where you could only donate every 4 days do the same with the QP but very limited. Just trying to bring it back to the community.


#spt #splinterlands #leofinance