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RE: SplinterStats Updates - Report Card Changes and Rich List

in #splintertalk3 years ago

Thanks, that's a great gesture and I really like the report card to keep track of my game progress. Appreciate all the work put in!

Some thoughts:
the lists are kinda lenghty already and with the new sets for chaos legion and reward cards this will get even longer. Any way a drop down/collapse menu would be possible or maybe a slightly shorter list?

Another thing I really like to add myself is the total collection power and value according to the peakmonsters website, I add these manually and keep the old numbers in to really see the progress over time. Might be a nice feature to include (if at all possible, if not just disregard my babbling).

Thanks again!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta



  • Customisable sizes for the Top X is definitely on my Wishlist. I was leaving it until I could do a rewrite of the whole report card, though I might do that beforehand, if we can get that data again.
  • I could Collection Power itself fairly simply, then multiply that by the low BCX price of cards 🤔 Getting data directly off Peak Monsters would be more challenging though. Added to the list, but I've got other projects up the queue currently.