Know Your Role in Future-State Splinterlands

in #splintertalk4 years ago

I have been playing Splinterlands for almost 2 1/2 years now. I was attracted to the combination of Card Collecting, Strategic Gameplay, and the Markets where you can sell or lease cards 24/7 on a global market place.

Lately, with the Land Expansion details coupled with SPS rewards being recevied for tournaments and rank battle (yet to be released), I have been contemplating what my role will be in the future-state of the game.

I have a fairly large card collection as well as a large number of plots. I love the gameplay in ranked matches and earning the daily and season-end rewards, as it's almost like an addiction to play each day to get my rewards. I also want to maximize the amount of SPS I am able to earn in the game, as I see SPS as a huge differentiator for this game compared to other games out there. Based on details thus far on earning SPS, it's clear you can continue earning SPS from winning Ranked Battles, but my win ratio is usually around the 53% mark, which is not terribly high.

Looking at all of the mechanics for what I know today, I am strongly considering pulling all of my max level regular and gold foil cards back into my deck (most of those cards are leased out currently) and having those work my most profitable plots of land. Then I am looking at taking my cards that are not maxed out and making sure those are leased out to the community to earn passive DEC as well as helping the game to grow by allowing new players to lease cards. Any Land Plots I have remaining that I cannot populate with efficient cards, I would most likely lease out to other players as well.

With most of my high-level cards being staked on lands, unfortunately it may mean that I no longer participate in Ranked Battle play and possibly not in Guild Brawls either. It would all depend on what the Land Expansion truly looks like and what the returns are and how much enjoyment I get out of managing that process versus playing the Ranked Battles and Guild Brawls.

At this point in time, I am still a little torn on which direction to head, but as far as knowing what my role may be in future-state Splinterlands, I am leaning towards moving everything towards managing my lands.

I am curious if there are any others out there in a similar position and what your thoughts are as this game continues to grow and evolve.