A Return to Glory - Splinter Stats Season 51 Report Card for @sm-trainer

in #splinterstats4 years ago (edited)

Kobold Miner.jpg

For the first time in many seasons Drizzlespit, the lowly Kobold Miner, was unafraid as he walked through the halls of his masters keep. "Well", he admitted to himself, "at least I'm no more fearful of a sudden and painful death than any other day since I was sold into servitude". He thought back over the years he had worked the mines deep underneath the keep.

Many times he had narrowly avoided being crushed in cave-ins or blown to pieces in explosions. But those were normal work day hazards. What really sent a chill down his spine was when he was sent up to the keep to deliver a message to his master and Lord of the Keep, @sm-trainer.

But today Drizzlespit could tell the mood in the hall was different. The other servants were walking about in the open instead of hiding in the shadows as was normal. Some of them seemed almost happy. The Master had been winning in the arena lately and every inhabitant of the keep was breathing a sigh of relief.

Match Report


Diamond Rank207
Rating3313 - Diamond II
Rating High3331
Total Rating Movements (+-)3123
Ranked Ratio (Win/Loss+Draw)2.17 (89/40/1)
Tournament Ratio (Win/Loss+Draw)0.38 (6/16/0)
Tournament Reward Placements1/1
Longest Streak29
Highest Rated Win vs@splintervault (3358)

My performance this season was much better than the last few. I was able to reach Diamond League tier 2. I had hoped to reach tier 1 but, work interfered and I wasn't able to make a last push in the final hour of the season. Still I had a win/loss ratio of over 2 while participating in 130 matches.

Top 10 Summoner Usage

SummonerFrequencyTeams FieldedWin Rate
Alric Stormbringer4634.33%65.22%
Lyanna Natura3526.12%57.14%
Tyrus Paladium1914.18%68.42%
Zintar Mortalis1712.69%76.47%
Daria Dragonscale85.97%87.50%
Malric Inferno85.97%75.00%
Lir Deepswimmer10.75%0.00%

Since Water is my strongest splinter, when I could I used Alric Stormbringer. Lyanna Natura was always my fallback summoner if the Water Splinter was not available. But I upgraded a few key cards in some of the other splinters in the last few days, so I my be spreading out my splinter selections more in the coming weeks.

Top 100 Monster Usage

MonsterFrequencyTeams FieldedWin Rate
Furious Chicken6951.49%66.67%
Ruler of the Seas3526.12%65.71%
Mischievous Mermaid2720.15%74.07%
Creeping Ooze2115.67%85.71%
Javelin Thrower2014.93%65.00%
Screeching Vulture2014.93%65.00%
Flesh Golem1914.18%68.42%
Phantom of the Abyss1712.69%82.35%
Silvershield Paladin1712.69%76.47%
Captain's Ghost1611.94%75.00%
The Kraken1511.19%73.33%
Spineback Turtle1410.45%35.71%
Elven Cutthroat139.70%61.54%
Feral Spirit139.70%84.62%
Mitica Headhunter118.21%54.55%
Mushroom Seer118.21%63.64%
Sea Genie118.21%45.45%
Skeleton Assassin107.46%80.00%
Haunted Spirit107.46%80.00%
Mermaid Healer96.72%88.89%
Twisted Jester96.72%77.78%
Battle Orca96.72%77.78%
Silvershield Assassin85.97%100.00%
Lord Arianthus85.97%62.50%
Prismatic Energy85.97%75.00%
Undead Priest85.97%87.50%
Silvershield Knight85.97%75.00%
Stone Golem75.22%42.86%
Haunted Spider75.22%71.43%
Enchanted Pixie64.48%83.33%
Spirit Miner64.48%100.00%
Nectar Queen64.48%50.00%
Goblin Thief64.48%50.00%
Wood Nymph64.48%66.67%
Sabre Shark64.48%33.33%
Goblin Sorcerer64.48%33.33%
Halfling Alchemist53.73%60.00%
Ice Pixie53.73%100.00%
Sand Worm53.73%40.00%
Parasitic Growth53.73%60.00%
Magi of the Forest53.73%60.00%
Coral Wraith53.73%80.00%
Pirate Archer42.99%50.00%
Kelp Initiate42.99%0.00%
Chain Golem42.99%75.00%
Exploding Dwarf42.99%75.00%
Magi Sphinx42.99%100.00%
Air Elemental42.99%25.00%
Defender of Truth42.99%25.00%
Animated Corpse42.99%50.00%
Silvershield Sheriff32.24%100.00%
Fire Elemental32.24%66.67%
Dark Enchantress32.24%100.00%
Stonesplitter Orc32.24%33.33%
Crustacean King32.24%66.67%
Kobold Miner32.24%100.00%
Water Elemental32.24%33.33%
Gelatinous Cube32.24%66.67%
Silvershield Archers32.24%100.00%
Silvershield Bard32.24%100.00%
Minotaur Warrior32.24%66.67%
Divine Healer32.24%33.33%
Silvershield Warrior32.24%33.33%
Screaming Banshee32.24%66.67%
Black Dragon21.49%100.00%
Highland Archer21.49%50.00%
Serpent of the Flame21.49%50.00%
Elemental Phoenix21.49%50.00%
Goblin Shaman21.49%0.00%
Spirit Druid Grog21.49%0.00%
Shadowy Presence21.49%100.00%
Undead Rexx21.49%100.00%
Goblin Mech21.49%50.00%
Battering Ram21.49%50.00%
Naga Windmaster21.49%50.00%
Peaceful Giant21.49%100.00%
Fire Spitter21.49%100.00%
Flame Monkey21.49%50.00%
Centauri Mage21.49%100.00%
Swamp Thing21.49%0.00%
Sacred Unicorn21.49%50.00%
Crystal Werewolf21.49%100.00%
Kobold Bruiser10.75%100.00%
Serpentine Spy10.75%100.00%
Dragon Spirit10.75%0.00%
Earth Elemental10.75%100.00%
Grim Reaper10.75%100.00%

As always, Furious Chicken is my number one utilized monster while Ruler of the Sea and Mischievous Mermaid are my most used monsters with a Mana cost.

Win Rate by Ruleset

RulesetFrequencyWin Rate
Close Range1687.50%
Heavy Hitters1450.00%
Explosive Weaponry1250.00%
Spreading Fury1163.64%
Holy Protection1060.00%
Broken Arrows1060.00%
Equal Opportunity955.56%
Little League875.00%
Healed Out887.50%
Lost Magic887.50%
Silenced Summoners742.86%
Even Stevens742.86%
Lost Legendaries742.86%
Melee Mayhem771.43%
Reverse Speed742.86%
Taking Sides650.00%
Target Practice666.67%
Noxious Fumes633.33%
Weak Magic6100.00%
Back to Basics683.33%
Aim True580.00%
Rise of the Commons580.00%
Up Close & Personal540.00%
Fog of War475.00%
Super Sneak450.00%
Armored Up450.00%
Odd Ones Out366.67%
Keep Your Distance3100.00%

Since the Water Splinter doesn't have a lot of fliers in it, I don't do well with Earthquake ruleset. And apparently I'm too stubborn to try other splinters that work better with Earthquake. I should work on branching out a little more this season.

Tournaments Report


TournamentLeagueEditionsPlacement/#entrantsRatio (Win/Loss+Draw)Prize
BRONZE A-GAMEBronzeA18/240.38 (3/8/0)75 DEC



I'm not much for playing tournaments, but I did enter one and won a tiny prize of 75 DEC for my effort.

Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards
Total Standard461820
Gold Foil Cards
Total Gold00

Loot Chests

Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotal💲DEC💲
Legendary Potions15722880
Alchemy Potions215261300
UNTAMED Packs0000
Cards (Total)2422461820

Captured DEC (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
7849 DEC

I was very happy with my rewards this season. Especially the End of Season reward where I pulled a Legendary and Epic cards and over 600 DEC.

Splinterlands is a very rewarding game when you put the time in. I made more of an effort this season and the rewards show. The Splintershards announcement has definitely helped reinvigorate my interest in working harder at playing.

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card.
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
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