Good advancement though little power.
Match Report
Stat | # |
Silver Rank | 238 |
Rating | 1960 - Silver III |
Rating High | 1988 |
Total Rating Movements (+-) | 6498 |
Ranked Ratio (Win/Loss+Draw) | 1.57 (209/131/2) |
Tournament Ratio (Win/Loss+Draw) | 1.52 (61/39/1) |
Tournament Reward Placements | 3/6 |
Longest Streak | 9 |
Highest Rated Win vs | @magooz (2115) |
Quiet content with my overall performance.
Top 10 Summoner Usage
Summoner | Frequency | Teams Fielded | Win Rate |
Lyanna Natura | 67 | 19.71% | 79.10% |
Mylor Crowling | 62 | 18.24% | 77.42% |
Mother Khala | 45 | 13.24% | 40.00% |
Pyre | 41 | 12.06% | 60.98% |
Drake of Arnak | 37 | 10.88% | 59.46% |
Bortus | 16 | 4.71% | 25.00% |
Malric Inferno | 15 | 4.41% | 40.00% |
Camila Sungazer | 9 | 2.65% | 55.56% |
Chanseus the Great | 8 | 2.35% | 50.00% |
Owster Rotwell | 8 | 2.35% | 37.50% |
My next aim is to learn the best use of Chanseus.
Top 100 Monster Usage
Monster | Frequency | Teams Fielded | Win Rate |
Furious Chicken | 185 | 54.41% | 63.78% |
Kron the Undying | 111 | 32.65% | 82.88% |
Creeping Ooze | 76 | 22.35% | 57.89% |
Unicorn Mustang | 71 | 20.88% | 83.10% |
War Chaang | 66 | 19.41% | 40.91% |
Living Lava | 47 | 13.82% | 57.45% |
Sand Worm | 43 | 12.65% | 39.53% |
Shieldbearer | 43 | 12.65% | 44.19% |
Fire Elemental | 38 | 11.18% | 65.79% |
Mitica Headhunter | 34 | 10.00% | 82.35% |
Divine Healer | 33 | 9.71% | 51.52% |
Goblin Mech | 32 | 9.41% | 46.88% |
Armorsmith | 31 | 9.12% | 54.84% |
Cave Slug | 30 | 8.82% | 53.33% |
Serpentine Spy | 29 | 8.53% | 68.97% |
Gelatinous Cube | 26 | 7.65% | 61.54% |
Wood Nymph | 25 | 7.35% | 88.00% |
Parasitic Growth | 24 | 7.06% | 54.17% |
Dragon Jumper | 23 | 6.76% | 65.22% |
Beatrix Ironhand | 21 | 6.18% | 71.43% |
Goblin Thief | 21 | 6.18% | 61.90% |
Nectar Queen | 19 | 5.59% | 68.42% |
Spark Pixies | 19 | 5.59% | 63.16% |
Twisted Jester | 19 | 5.59% | 26.32% |
The Vigilator | 18 | 5.29% | 66.67% |
Kobold Miner | 18 | 5.29% | 33.33% |
Khmer Princess | 17 | 5.00% | 94.12% |
Centaur | 17 | 5.00% | 52.94% |
Child of the Forest | 16 | 4.71% | 81.25% |
Failed Summoner | 15 | 4.41% | 86.67% |
Cerberus | 15 | 4.41% | 53.33% |
Javelin Thrower | 14 | 4.12% | 71.43% |
Haunted Spirit | 14 | 4.12% | 35.71% |
Fineas Rage | 14 | 4.12% | 71.43% |
Sporcerer | 13 | 3.82% | 69.23% |
Elven Defender | 12 | 3.53% | 66.67% |
Centauri Mage | 12 | 3.53% | 58.33% |
Herbalist | 12 | 3.53% | 50.00% |
Earth Elemental | 11 | 3.24% | 54.55% |
Serpent of Eld | 11 | 3.24% | 36.36% |
Kelp Initiate | 11 | 3.24% | 36.36% |
Coral Wraith | 11 | 3.24% | 27.27% |
Sea Monster | 11 | 3.24% | 45.45% |
Undead Rexx | 11 | 3.24% | 45.45% |
Light Elemental | 11 | 3.24% | 54.55% |
Silvershield Sheriff | 11 | 3.24% | 45.45% |
Enchanted Pixie | 10 | 2.94% | 50.00% |
Feral Spirit | 10 | 2.94% | 50.00% |
Skeleton Assassin | 10 | 2.94% | 20.00% |
Nightmare | 9 | 2.65% | 44.44% |
Mantoid | 9 | 2.65% | 55.56% |
Diamond Dragon | 8 | 2.35% | 75.00% |
Medusa | 8 | 2.35% | 37.50% |
Peacebringer | 7 | 2.06% | 42.86% |
Fire Spitter | 7 | 2.06% | 71.43% |
Lobstradamus | 7 | 2.06% | 14.29% |
Goblin Sorcerer | 7 | 2.06% | 71.43% |
Water Elemental | 7 | 2.06% | 0.00% |
Hero of Beyond | 7 | 2.06% | 42.86% |
Elven Mystic | 7 | 2.06% | 28.57% |
Death Elemental | 7 | 2.06% | 28.57% |
Fire Beetle | 6 | 1.76% | 66.67% |
Evangelist | 6 | 1.76% | 66.67% |
Warrior of Peace | 6 | 1.76% | 50.00% |
Sabre Shark | 6 | 1.76% | 33.33% |
Biceratops | 5 | 1.47% | 40.00% |
Pyromancer | 5 | 1.47% | 40.00% |
Lone Boatman | 5 | 1.47% | 60.00% |
Crystal Jaguar | 5 | 1.47% | 60.00% |
Crystal Werewolf | 5 | 1.47% | 20.00% |
Goblin Chariot | 5 | 1.47% | 40.00% |
Grim Reaper | 5 | 1.47% | 40.00% |
Flesh Golem | 4 | 1.18% | 50.00% |
Efreet Elder | 4 | 1.18% | 75.00% |
Spirit Shaman | 4 | 1.18% | 75.00% |
Peaceful Giant | 4 | 1.18% | 50.00% |
Elven Cutthroat | 4 | 1.18% | 25.00% |
Goblin Firemage | 4 | 1.18% | 25.00% |
Sniping Narwhal | 4 | 1.18% | 0.00% |
Shadowy Presence | 4 | 1.18% | 25.00% |
Barking Spider | 4 | 1.18% | 100.00% |
Undead Badger | 4 | 1.18% | 25.00% |
Goblin Shaman | 3 | 0.88% | 33.33% |
Stonesplitter Orc | 3 | 0.88% | 66.67% |
Phantasm | 3 | 0.88% | 33.33% |
Cocatrice | 3 | 0.88% | 66.67% |
Kobold Bruiser | 3 | 0.88% | 66.67% |
Bone Golem | 3 | 0.88% | 66.67% |
Giant Scorpion | 3 | 0.88% | 66.67% |
Undead Priest | 3 | 0.88% | 0.00% |
Luminous Eagle | 3 | 0.88% | 33.33% |
Stone Golem | 3 | 0.88% | 66.67% |
Ice Pixie | 3 | 0.88% | 66.67% |
Dark Ferryman | 3 | 0.88% | 33.33% |
Harvester | 2 | 0.59% | 100.00% |
Charlok Minotaur | 2 | 0.59% | 100.00% |
Goblin Fireballer | 2 | 0.59% | 50.00% |
Darkest Mage | 2 | 0.59% | 0.00% |
Giant Squid | 2 | 0.59% | 0.00% |
Vampire | 2 | 0.59% | 50.00% |
Need to use the Khmer Princess more often...
Win Rate by Ruleset
Ruleset | Frequency | Win Rate |
Close Range | 32 | 46.88% |
Spreading Fury | 31 | 58.06% |
Holy Protection | 31 | 58.06% |
Heavy Hitters | 28 | 64.29% |
Healed Out | 28 | 46.43% |
Noxious Fumes | 27 | 66.67% |
Explosive Weaponry | 26 | 53.85% |
Equalizer | 23 | 43.48% |
Stampede | 22 | 68.18% |
Reverse Speed | 20 | 65.00% |
Odd Ones Out | 19 | 26.32% |
Lost Legendaries | 18 | 55.56% |
Aim True | 18 | 72.22% |
Standard | 18 | 94.44% |
Earthquake | 17 | 58.82% |
Little League | 16 | 43.75% |
Melee Mayhem | 16 | 68.75% |
Target Practice | 15 | 66.67% |
Back to Basics | 14 | 64.29% |
Silenced Summoners | 13 | 61.54% |
Up Close & Personal | 13 | 61.54% |
Unprotected | 13 | 100.00% |
Equal Opportunity | 13 | 61.54% |
Keep Your Distance | 12 | 58.33% |
Broken Arrows | 12 | 41.67% |
Armored Up | 12 | 66.67% |
Fog of War | 12 | 41.67% |
Super Sneak | 11 | 54.55% |
Rise of the Commons | 11 | 72.73% |
Weak Magic | 11 | 72.73% |
Taking Sides | 8 | 87.50% |
Lost Magic | 8 | 25.00% |
Even Stevens | 6 | 66.67% |
I didn't notice during the season that Odd Ones Out is so miserable for my performance - go check my cards.
Tournaments Report
Tournament | League | Editions | Placement/#entrants | Ratio (Win/Loss+Draw) | Prize |
UNTAMED BRONZE BLUNDERBUSS | Bronze | U | 59/263 | 1.20 (12/9/1) | 100 DEC |
Best Beginners #2 | Novice | Open | 17/50 | 0.86 (6/7/0) | 300 DEC |
UNTAMED KOBOLD MINING EXPEDITION | Novice | U | 3/220 | 6.33 (19/3/0) | 1000 DEC |
Reward | Count | Quantity |
DEC | 3 | 1400 |
It all depends in which group you are on day one.
Rewards Report
Standard Foil Cards
Rarity | Quantiy | 🔥DEC🔥 |
Common | 8 | 80 |
Rare | 2 | 80 |
Epic | 1 | 200 |
Legendary | 0 | 0 |
Total Standard | 11 | 360 |
Gold Foil Cards
Rarity | Quantiy | 🔥DEC🔥 |
Common | 0 | 0 |
Rare | 0 | 0 |
Epic | 0 | 0 |
Legendary | 0 | 0 |
Total Gold | 0 | 0 |
Loot Chests
Reward Chests | Dailies | Season | Total | 💲DEC💲 |
Legendary Potions | 8 | 2 | 10 | 400 |
Alchemy Potions | 3 | 2 | 5 | 250 |
DEC | 245 | 51 | - | 296 |
UNTAMED Packs | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Cards (Total) | 7 | 4 | 11 | 360 |
Captured DEC (Ranked Rewards)
Ranked Play Wins | DEC Earned |
209 | 1970 |
Total Ranked Play Rewards
Total Ranked Play Earnings |
3276 DEC |
C U next season.
Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card.
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
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Keeping a decent win-rate 👍
Tried renting out any cards through the new rental system yet?