Restarting my season report cards - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 55 Report Card

in #splinterstats6 months ago (edited)

Well, it's been a hot minute. Crazy amount of things have changed around Splinterlands, some for the better but also a lot I'm not too pleased or excited about. One area I was always very excited about was the reward cards and the idea of them going out of print and becoming valuable NFTs.

Splintergains report.gif

Obviously that ship has sailed, and while I understand the need for lowering distribution as the player base is too small to support the value of all the extra cards and other items, it kinda hurts.. It was the one thing I was hoping for would give that delayed gratification of grinding and staying in the game.

Now we have modern not allowing bots, which is fine I guess but I wonder how many accounts get falsely flagged and how many are still botting and getting away with it (let me know if you know!).

Wild being gate kept by the season pass is the main reason for me to start doing the reports again. As it's a very fine line between the SPS rewards being worth the 2000 dec investment. I feel I have a decent collection of cards and SPS and play in diamond/champ league and find the SPS reward is hardly worth getting the pass.. Of course there's other benefits in glint and such, but those aren't NFTs and basically have 0 monetary value without unlocking them, which really doesn't seem worth it at least right now.

The only things that could change all that is more players, bull run and consequently SPS gaining value. Till then I kinda feel stuck with my collection of cards and a big ole stack of CHAOS packs :'-)

Match Report


Diamond Rank1157
Rating3640 - Diamond I
Rating High3740
Ratio (Win/Loss)0.92 (184/199)
Longest Streak6

Pretty bad, 6 streak and below 1 Ratio, I did read archmage made some updates and performance should be better going forward

Rewards Report

Earnt Tokens (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsTokens Received
184✨ 45572 Glint + ⭐217.891 SPS
Season Rewards Claimed✨ 51351 Glint
Glint Spent✨ (90000) Glint

Glint season rewards will show in the season they are claimed.

At time of writing swapping 2000 dec on beeswap would net me: 196 SPS

So the 217 SPS is slightly over what I could buy outright, adding in the glint (and the coming league chests) makes it worthwhile to keep paying for the pass at the moment

🟣 Rental Report

Expenses (inc. fees)(0.372)
Cancellation Refunds0.000

Not mich to see here, still renting some stuff out via splex but it's a far cry from the glory days

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards94.422
Ranked Rewards as above217.891
Liquidity Rewards344.575
NET SPS656.888

staking and ranked together are less than the LP rewards, but they do grow more over time as I don't add much currently to the pool. Although high volumes in a bull market could help grow the pool liqudity from the provider fees.

Not great but still a net win by a small margin, think I'll keep track again in this way to see if things improve or if I should skip passes going forward, thanks for stopping by!

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
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