# Getting Closer - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 60 Report Card

in #splinterstats4 months ago


It was a more stable Season for me despite some time management challenges given some travel but I remained consistent and got a good amount of Glint. Not opening too many chests also helped me avoid additional energy that I really did not want. I am getting to a certain limit of games that I can play a day without becoming frustrated as win streaks remain difficult to achieve.

Match Report


Champion Rank110
Rating3900 - Champion III
Rating High3920
Ratio (Win/Loss)1.07 (212/198)
Longest Streak12

An achievement on performance was that I was able to stay in Champion Division for most of the Season. I tried to take advantage of times when it seemed that I was able to get a better win to loss ratio after a couple of games and less when it went the other way. I was still negative for the Season but as bad as other Seasons. I still find myself playing against too many players with a large point advantage over me.

Rewards Report

Earnt Tokens (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsTokens Received
212✨ 312615 Glint + ⭐3384.084 SPS
Season Rewards Claimed✨ 342161 Glint
Glint Spent✨ (882500) Glint

Glint season rewards will show in the season they are claimed.

I am now only focusing on draws for the new reward cards as I am close enough to no longer need the luck of chests. This is great as I can avoid getting too much energy from the chests which often come and inconvenient times. I now have a couple of max level cards after the end of this Season draws so it will now be up to the luck of the draw.

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount
Staking Rewards659.102
Ranked Rewards as above3384.084
Brawl Rewards768.522
NET SPS4811.708

Tended to my land as usual which is what is getting me plenty of SPS these days. I am feeling that I no longer have the need to continue staking it so I am keeping it liquid for the moment to see if the flywheel gets started to take an opportunity to build up some DEC for my land.

While many are excited for what is to come, I am hesitantly looking at the future as Chaos Legion is due to rotate out. Although it may seem I have a good advantage having a full Rebellion set (except for Promos), I feel that they will make the next set a must have which would keep me gone for any new investment. However, I do not want to jump to conclusions early so will seek patience and play in the meantime.

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
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Are you still not playing any tournaments? Those are the best places to earn SPS, even better than ranked. If I need to prioritize 25 battles a day, I would play in 2 tournaments and have an automated service handle ranked for me.

I also think there is too much upside in flipping GF multiples from the loot chests that I will accept the extra energy, merits, and potions to try and spike those big GF and jackpot draws. I typically max out the first batch of all 3 loot chests... and since I've maxed all common and rare rewards, I've moved towards buying as many GF epic draws as possible as there as just so many impact epics in rebellion.

I stopped playing tournaments months ago as I was not enjoying the grind with the ranked play as well. I refuse to share my SPS earnings with my staked SPS with bot services so I only play manual. Still thinking about those loot chests!

I totally understand the feeling about not wanting to share the staked SPS, but I only have so much time in my day to play Splinterlands and I feel like tournaments are a better use of my time. Not just for the SPS to be earned, but for the variety of leagues (silver/gold/max) and formats (modern/wild/2sets) to keep things fresh. If I need to share 15% of my ranked earnings when I don't have the time to play my 24 ranked battles so be it.