Deeplurker Jockey here, bring you my HiddenLadder account Triple Kill Match featuring the Radiated Brute! Watch the Three Kills by Radiated Brute.
When I started this challenge, I was struggling to find a way to truly feature Radiated Brute. Reach Monsters are usually pretty straight forward, put them in the second position and hope they do some work. When I play the Fire Splinter I often will select Fineas Rage before the Brute, so the Brute does not see much action. However the Radiated Brute does have some upsides.

Rarity: COMMON
Element: FIRE
Attack: MELEE
Abilities: Reach
First of all, Radiated Brute is less mana. Secondly, Radiated Brute is very low speed, so I was hoping for a Slow Ruleset, but in the end I didn't need it to have an outstanding performance but you can imagine Radiated Brute an excellent choice in the Slow matches. Thirdly, Radiated Brute pairs excellently with the fire summoner Tarsa, who grants +1 Melee and +1 Health.
My first few attempts I was trying to use Grum, and have Radiated Brute soften up a bunch of creatures and get 'assists' instead of kills. This was mildly effective, but really not a good showcase. I had a few games where Radiated Brute would get the final kill, or do 9 or 12 damage but it still felt underwhelming.
It was the lower mana games where Radiated Brute started to shine. I made a point of using him as the centerpiece of the lineup and began giving him a lot.....wait a minute.....I think Radiated Brute may identify as a female. I never looked that closely at the artwork until just now......
The spreading blight on the continent of Praetoria twisted both the land and its people.
Plants and animals were the first to become corrupted. Fungus sprouted from vegetation and gave them sentience. Animals grew extra limbs, heads, and grew to extraordinary sizes.
Then the people fell ill. Some thought it was from the plague brought about by Doctor Blight. Others thought perhaps it was from the poisonous gases that seeped from the fissures near the volcano.
Whatever it was, those who survived the sickness were changed. They mutated, grew stronger, and were filled with an uncontrollable rage. Some were unable to control that rage and went on murderous rampages. Others fought to maintain their sanity long enough to protect their family, friends, and neighbors from themselves. They fled into the Jade Thicket, where they became as feral as the wild animals of the continent.
The people of Praetoria referred to them as Radiated Brutes.
The Lore gave me some more insight into why the character is mutated, sick and murderous, but less about this specific monster pictured. The verdict is still out on the gender, but a really interesting story to uncover.

It was actually the first low mana Fire splinter battle with a Rampage ruleset that I saw Three Kills by Radiated Brute, and it was a pretty impressive show. Especially since my opponent only had 4 total creatures. It was also cool to see the screaming sickness filled card the last one of the battlefield making that final blow to win the match. It is safe to say this was the first time I used Radiated Brute to such effect, and that is why I love the Share Your Battle Challenge!