in #splinterlands3 years ago
Authored by @VjekIch

Hello, my fellow Splinterlands players and everyone else who is just taking a quick look at this amazing NFT game. Welcome to another week and another season of #splinterlands. With new updates, there are more and more new players and it is getting more and more difficult to showcase winning games. After all, everyone wants their piece of the pie in this amazing #play2earn card game.

I am new to this game, playing for 4 weeks now but everything you need to know about crypto could be seen and learned through this game. I will let you explore Splinterlands on your own but first take a quick look at this amazing battle with my new card, the slimy Cave Slug.

cave slug challenge.jpg


I recommend you take a quick look at the game as it is very uncertain until the very end. You can find the battle link here.

First, some basic information regarding Cave Slug.

Cave Slug is a common monster that belongs to the LIFE splinter. He can hurt your badly with two damage(look at those teeth). Five mana cost is justified with amazing abilities such as Opportunity at level 1, Scavenger at level 6, and Slow at level 10. The only downside is speed, but hey, what do you expect from a slug?

My Lineup



Equal opportunity: All monsters have the opportunity ability.
Reverse speed: Monsters with the lowest Speed attack the first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.
Mana cap: 40

I started with Silvershield Knight in the first position. Luminous eagle filled position number two. Shieldbearer was ready to tank on the number three spot. Star of the game, Cave Slug took the fourth position. Hight Priest Darius was ready to resurrect on the fifth position and finally Herbalist filled position number six.

On the Battlefield

Round 1

After initial buffs, Cave Slug attacked first because of the Reverse speed ruleset. Cave Slug destroyed Vampire's armor and Herbalist finished the job after that. The first monster is out. Shieldbearer tanked attacks from Dark Astronomer and Lich and after that attacked Goblin Chariot and destroyed armor. Right after that Darius attacked Goblin Chariot and kicked it out of the game. Luminous Eagle attacked Dark Astronomer and took his shield out. After that Silvershield knight took a big hit from Robo-Dragon Knight but luckily armor was still in place. Shieldbearer tanked another attack from Twisted Jester and Silvershield Knight's attack did no damage to the opponents tank.

Round 2

Cave Slug and Herbalist attacks again. This time Dark Astronomer is eliminated target. Shieldbearer tanks another attack from Lich. After that Shieldbearer and Darius attack Twisted Jester what leaves him on only 1 health. Luminous Eagle finishes the job. One more monster is out. Silvershield Knight took a hard hit from Robo-Dragon Knight but my whole backline is here and we are in a good position.

Round 3

My whole backline took care of Lich and knocked him out of the game. Only Robo-Dragon Knight remains.

Round 4

Silvershield Knight was killed by Robo-Dragon Knight. Darius resurrected him and my team has damage buff once again. After that my whole team attacks Robo-Dragon Knight and gets him to three health.

Round 5
Killing blow for Cave Slug and game for me. Amazing game where I did not expect a victory.

Monsters that I used in game and Why?

All Knights are special as well as mine level 1 SilverShield Knight. I used him mainly because of his buff to melee monsters which gives +1 damage.
Luminous Eagle is an amazing card. With decent speed and "Flying" ability, he can dodge some enemy attacks. "Reach" makes him even more viable as he can attack from the number two position. With Silbershield Knight's buff, 3 attacks can be scary for any opponent.
Shieldbearer's purpose is to soak all the damage he can. But I wanted to split that damage so he tanked backline damage and Silvershield Knight tanked opponents Robo-Dragon's damage. That extended life of both monsters on the field.
With Silvershield Knight's buff 3 damage with "Opportunity" is scary. One speed in the "Reverse Speed" ruleset is also amazing. A real MVP of this game.
There are two reasons why I picked this card. First, 3 magic damage is amazing as it ignores armor. And second, resurrect ability for Shieldbearer, to revive him after he tanks all the damage from the backline.
Herbalist was just a filler for two mana slots but it turned out to be an amazing finisher in combination with Cave Slug.

Battle Results


By playing this battle, I won +23.584 DEC and +42 League Rating. Amazing right?

The Verdict

Cave Slug is an amazing and fun card, especially when used in rulesets like "Reverse Speed". In synergy with other cards/monsters, it can become a real pain for the opponent.

I hope you all are enjoying #splinterlands like I am. It is an amazing game where you can #play2earn. Have fun and I see you on the battlefield.


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Feedback from the August 1st Hive Power Up Day

Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd

Well done on the battlefield.