So i woona give u guys a few words about bots :)
This game dedicates certain amount of the total reward p00l to each legue and for low lvl bots up to silver no matter how much they play ...the real reward ll be end of sesson chests and yes they ll be very juicy and much better then before ! But unless you run Gold + Bots and u do it smart way like optimze cards a lot and aim for high win rate(to presertver DEC capture rate) and u run this shit for 3 hours per day ?
Why is this not hurting the game or economy ? for many many reasons but i ll try tell u few :)
1.High lvl bots ll use maxed cards (mostly the value options the reward and cheap CL cards but still they ll have to own many cards)
2.Bots dont rent imho they aim for own the cards they use but with this changes some guys might run bots with rented max lvl summoner / dr blight lvl 3 + ect and this does not hurt tyhe game at all ! part of what they grind ll return back to other player in the form of rents !
Running bots is the lazy way to do things but what a real player can do for 45 min per day outclass an avarage bots by a lot !...they ll never be as efficent as a good player doing 25 battles per day with 75-80% winrate.
Looks like the lion share of the rewards ll be in Dimonond and Champion but me as a player who can reach Gold I super(moslty blocked by CP req._ easy this is a great time to try jump into a max content and having a lot of bots crawing at low Gold/ low Diamond rating ll help you get easy wins every day to progress my focus plinter easy yes i am not complaining bots ll make nice DEC ...cuz they have to invest to do so and also they ll help me farm easy wins at low Diamond rating (lets say 5 days after sesson starts not talking on day 1-2 lol !).
Let me put it this way a 500$ value account botting at low Gold ll make 10 times + more then before but investment ll be 500$ not 10$ lol
A 1000$ player account that also rent some key cards ...if can break into Diamond fast enough i think ll make around 20-25 better rewards then before :)
A 2000$ player account can feel very comfy at Diamond onwing many key cards and having all the CP they need even of they get .
So why i should complaing about bots then the thing is ....silver even gold bots wont be making anything close to the real player can make for 1h per day winning a lot @ Diamond +.In order bots to make a nice DEC they need to invest... A LOT (cuz prices ll be going up for next few months bespide BTC going down withc is crazyyyyy !!!!)
Bots once they face a real player accounts wiht 60-70cards and 30 more renting basiclly has a 0% chance to win...they ll be there just to redude the Q. times indeed <3 !
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